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For the position as system developer with operational responsibility.

A pull request called "Feedback" will automatically be created on your repository. You can use that PR for questions and to request feedback.

Name: Caesar Al Jewari

Task 1

There is an API for lunch menus at restaurants close to Scilifelab available at

The restaurants are closed on weekends, so it is best to test it on weekdays.

Note that the API has a rate limit and might be slow.

Write a http server in Python 3 to provide an API relay, i.e. a web server that relays queries to the backend. That is, a request to URI /URI will result in a query to and the response will be copied from there.

Please provide not only working but acceptable code. In this case that includes an appropiate level of documentation, testing, and so on. Assume that potential future colleagues will review your code and use it in upcoming projects

You do not need to write your server from scratch but are free to build on libraries included with Python as well as other frameworks.

We expect to be able to deploy your solution by following the instructions provided by you.

Task 2

Build a container for the server provided (free choice of container engine). Provide appropiate files for building/running the container as well as instructions intended for a developer for how to build and run.

Task 3

Provide a shell tool in your favourite language (shell solutions are acceptible) that takes a restaurant as argument and lists current dishes available there. Feel free to design the listing however you wish but it should be clear where to go to eat a certain dish.

Optional tasks

If you want more, there are some optional tasks below. It is not required to solve these, but providing solutions is meritorious.

Optional: Enable threading

Make sure the server is multi-threaded, i.e. it can accept and process additional requests while working to fulfill other requests (e.g. by waiting for a request to the back end).

Optional: Provide caching

Enable caching.

Optional: Run load tests and provide a capacity estimate

Make sure you have already implemented caching, as you may otherwise use up all the CPU credit for the API.

Run load tests (using a single URI) and provide an estimate of how many requests your relay can handle in a given time frame. Also provide any analysis done and any thoughts on scaling you may have.

How to submit

All tasks should be done in the form of pull requests towards the repo. Use one PR for each numbered task you submit. You can assume that the PRs will be merged as is, so PRs may be based on the final commit of the previous PR. Also please tag with completed (if you work with the GitHub web, you will need to create a release for this, which can be done from the repository main page).


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