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This is a small procedure to generate a segment growth simulation in Oracle databases. The idea is to run the segment_growth_trend procedure for all segments in a specified schema, and store it in a table, so we may query the top segments with hightest estimation growth.

The steps to run the simulation are:

1- Download all files in the database host server and start sqlplus located in the same filesystem.


2- Ensure DBMS_SPACE package can be executed properly, user has all privileges and all DBA stuff by runing this test:

SQL> @test_dbms_space_growth_trend.sql

NOTE: If you get this message: EXCEPTION in chrow processing - code: -14551 msg: ORA-14551

This output is acceptable value! It's caused by a somehow bug or something and it's purely informative. It didn't raises itself an exception or error. Just ignore it!

3- Run create_segment_growth_table script. It will create a table named CAPACITY_SEGMENTS to store the simulation results.

SQL> @create_segment_growth_table.sql
ERROR in line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exists

Table created.

NOTE: The script first tries to drop the table in case it exists, so this output is acceptable.

4- Run the procedure script.

SQL> @proc_segment_growth_simulation.sql

Procedure created.

5- Launch a simulation.

SQL> exec CHECK_SEGMENT_GROWTH('HR')  --> Replace HR for the schema name you want to run the simulation.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
