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Releases: caffinc/statiflex

Next Stop: Maven Central!

13 Apr 06:24
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This release adds some changes to the pom to make it available on Maven Central. The previous release is available on Bintray, but minor pom issues have stopped it from being released to Maven Central. This release hopefully fixes it.

Bintray here we come!

12 Apr 06:54
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Publishing things to Bintray and preparing to make things available in Maven Central!

Initial Release with updated POM

09 Jan 04:52
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This release includes some minor plumbing work - pom file's more detailed, nearly ready to be released to Maven Central, Travis CI has been included, additional test case added - nothing major yet.

Initial Release

17 Dec 13:33
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Statiflex.flex method added, works as mentioned on the box.

Note: Does not work if the compiler optimizes the static final field and makes it inline.