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Build & Check Tests GitHub tag


Tiny CLI program capable of retrieving a GitHub user's starred repositories and formatting the data into a nice markdown document. You can see an example of the program's output here.


Authentication is made via personal access tokens. Create a token, export to the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN and run. The output is sent to STDOUT, so to create a file, just do:

./list-github-stars >>

You can use external programs such as pandoc to convert the output to other formats. E.g.:

# MS Word document
./list-github-stars | pandoc -o stars.docx

# HTML page
./list-github-stars | pandoc -o stars.html

# HTML page with custom stylesheet
./list-github-stars | pandoc -o stars.html --self-contained --css=style.css

Run with Docker

docker run --rm -e GITHUB_TOKEN="your-github-auth-token" caian/list-github-stars >>


To the extent possible under law, Caian Ertl has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. In the spirit of freedom of information, I encourage you to fork, modify, change, share, or do whatever you like with this project! ^C ^V
