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NoGare edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

Thought i should throw this up here, since the old site no longer works

“You may have noticed that the development team has been quiet over the past few months since the release of M1.9. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to dedicate as much time as we have hoped with our developers becoming more and more involved with their actual jobs. Of course, none of us want to see Cairo cease development. So, we thought we’d do something about it that allows us to continue on with our extremely busy lives.

The answer, of course, is going open source. Starting today, you can log into GitHub and make changes to our git repository. Naturally, we ask that you be professional and not damage the code. Go nuts with your skills to help us make Cairo the best it can be!

There are several notes we must make regarding edits:

  • The Cairo team has locally branched code. We will only release these branches.
  • Code committed to our git repository should not change or break any of Cairo’s user interface guidelines. We have worked hard in order to carefully craft our user interface.
  • Committed code should be tested to make sure it doesn’t cause instability.
  • Changes that are malicious or extraneous will not be tolerated.
  • Code which meets our guidelines and quality expectations will be merged into our local, official code branches.

We look forward to seeing what the community can come up with and thank you all for your continued support.
-The Cairo Team"

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