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Ankush Mishra edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 2 revisions
In 1.0.x (http4client-dev):

  * Migration from Apache HttpClient 3.x to HttpClient 4.x
  * Update java version to 8, and iCal4j to v3.0.1
  * Change the package structure from `org.osaf.caldav4j` to `com.github.caldav4j`
  * More consistent API throughout, with Apache Jackrabbit WebDAV
  * Merge PR from @teymourlouie for avoiding CalendarDataProperty NullPointerException. (#92)

In 0.9.x (master):

  * major cleanup, deprecated methods removal
  * based on jackrabbit

In 0.8.x includes:

  * fine-grained ACL support 15%
  * small refinement to simplify code
  * remove redundancies 15%
  * parametrized tests for various caldav implementation 20%
  * support for VTODO
  * simplify recurrent event management
  * embedded CalDAV manager
  * branch for jackrabbit support

The 0.7 release includes:

  * junit4 support
  * free-busy query support
  * massive refactoring to simplify code
  * separate exceptions in a given package
  * source jars and javadocs in maven repository

The 0.6 release includes:

  * basic ACL support (get/set)
  * basic scheduling support
  * a standard cache implementation (quick and dirty)

 The 0.5 release includes:

  * basic google calendar support
  * a method for easy caldav query creation
  * example classes for connecting to bedework and google calendar
  * better junit testing

The 0.4 release includes:

  * Support for <calendar-multiget> reports
  * More and more ready-to-use <calendar-query> methods to search events
  * Code refactoring
  * HttpClient v3.0 support (download Slide for HttpClient v3 here!)
  * More Slide isolation (for a future JackRabbit switch)
  * Better Bedework support

The 0.3 release features include:

  * Support for <calendar-query> reports
  * Protocol level support for MKCALENDAR, GET, REPORT, PUT
  * High level API for accessing events within a calendar collection
  * Caching of CalDAV resources
  * Ticket Support