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Releases: caleb531/jira-for-alfred


30 Apr 23:35
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  • The workflow now bypasses your restricted projects setting if you look up an issue by its exact key (e.g. ABC-1234)
    • This means you can look up an issue outside of the projects you specify in configuration if you know its exact key


27 Apr 20:36
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  • Added the ability for you to configure the maximum number of search results
    • See the new "Maximum Result Count" option in the workflow's configuration
  • Fixed a bug where the icon for subtask results would not render


26 Apr 23:02
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  • The jira keyword will now display recently-worked-on issues if you have not yet typed a search query


08 Feb 23:23
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  • Fixed a small bug where trailing slashes were not properly stripped from the end of the Account Base URL


12 Jan 04:17
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Jira for Alfred v2 is the next major release of the workflow, with extensive architectural changes and welcome fixes. The end-user API is still the same—a single jira keyword within Alfred. The most significant change is that the search algorithms have been rewritten from the ground up to be JQL-based, which exposes new capabilities and makes the search experience more predictable.

No new changes since v2.0.0-beta.1

New Features

Access to all issues, not just those previously-viewed

This new JQL-based architecture solves a longstanding annoyance where the workflow could only find issues that your Jira user has previously viewed; now, the workflow can find any issue you have access to, regardless of whether or not you've viewed it. For convenience, however, the workflow still lists previously-viewed issues above issues you haven't viewed at all.

Restricting searches to specific projects

You can now optionally restrict your search to one or more projects using the Restrict to Projects configuration option within the workflow's settings). This provides another way to cut down on the number of issues you might be presented with.

To use it, enter a comma-separated list of project keys (e.g. if you want tickets like ABC-123 and DEF-234, then enter "ABC, DEF" into the field). If you leave the field blank, then you get the default behavior of searching across all projects your Jira account has access to.


30 Dec 01:49
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v2.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This is the first beta for the next major release, with extensive architectural changes and welcome fixes. The end-user API is still the same—a single jira keyword within Alfred. The most significant change is that the search algorithms have been rewritten from the ground up to be JQL-based, which exposes new capabilities and makes the search experience more predictable

Access to all issues, not just those previously-viewed

This new JQL-based architecture solves a longstanding annoyance where the workflow could only find issues that your Jira user has previously viewed; now, the workflow can find any issue you have access to, regardless of whether or not you've viewed it. For convenience, however, the workflow still lists previously-viewed issues above issues you haven't viewed at all.

Restricting searches to specific projects

You can also now restrict your search to one or more projects using the new Restrict to Projects configuration option within the workflow's settings. This provides another way to cut down on the number of issues you might be presented with. If you leave the field blank, then you get the default behavior of searching across all projects your Jira account has access to.


05 Dec 23:32
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  • You can now hold down the Option key when choosing a result to copy that issue's URL to your clipboard
  • Sub tasks are now included in the results (whereas there were previously omitted)


05 Dec 01:56
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  • Official stable release
  • The run behavior of the workflow has been tweaked to feel more responsive when typing
  • Switched from Option to Shift as the modifier key for copying the summary of the selected issue
  • Switched all icons from PNG to SVG for a smaller bundle size


04 Dec 21:59
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  • Initial in-development release; things may break in future releases, but the workflow is fully functional. Publishing this for others to give it a try