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calebcapps edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Solidworks Automation Wiki!

This wiki is used to document both general Solidworks API practices as well as document how projects developed under this repository have been developed. Links to external references are included to help the reader both improve their knowledge of both the Solidworks API and general coding as applicable.

Getting Started


Learning about API Commands

All of the available commands for the Solidworks API can be found using the API Help page built directly into Solidworks. The API Help page can be found by clicking Help, then API Help(see figure 1 below)

image Figure 1: API Help Location

About Solidworks Macros and Add-ins

Solidworks macros are user-written functions that run within the Solidworks environment. The primary difference between a Solidworks macro and add-in lies in the scope of available functions and integration into Solidworks. Macros created by a user run as a script when prompted by the user and cannot utilize the property manager task pane for user input. In contrast, Solidworks add-ins run internally within Solidworks and can be run just as any other feature within Solidworks.

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