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  • The code starts by creating a new Ball object and then creates two Paddle objects.
  • The first is for the player, and the second is for the computer.
  • It also creates an element to hold their scores in.
  • The update function will be called every time there's a change in time (i.e., when it changes from 0 seconds to 1 second).
  • In this case, it checks if lastTime has been set before calling itself with delta as its argument.
  • If so, it calculates how much time has passed since lastTime was set and updates the score accordingly using document query selectors that are created specifically for this purpose: one for each player's score and one for each computer's score.
  • The code is an example of a function that will update the score.
  • The first line creates a variable called lastTime, which is used to keep track of the time in milliseconds.
  • The second line checks if there is already a value for lastTime, and if so it subtracts delta from it.
  • The code starts by creating a ball and then sets the x-coordinate to be 0.
  • The code then creates a computer paddle, which is set to have an initial position of (0,0) and an initial angle of 0 degrees.
  • The code then updates the computerPaddle with delta time steps so that it moves towards the ball in increments of 1 degree per update step.
  • The next line calculates the hue value for this particular frame using getComputedStyle() .
  • It uses parseFloat() to convert this value into a number between 0 and 360 degrees.
  • Then it changes the color property on documentElement from --hue=255 to --hue=360 + delta * 0.01 , where delta is calculated as one degree per update step taken by computerPaddle .
  • The code is written in a way that the computer paddle is updated with the ball's movement and then it updates itself.
  • The computerPaddle.update(delta, ball.y); function sets the position of the computer paddle to be equal to the ball's current position minus its previous position plus delta * 0.01
  • The code starts by declaring variables for the ball and player paddle.
  • The variable "time" is used to keep track of how long it has been since the game started.
  • The function handleLose() is called when the user clicks on the lose button in order to reset both players' paddles and score.
  • The code is an example of how to implement a game of Pong.


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