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Releases: calendulish/steam-tools

Release Steam Tools 2.0.2 Beta

17 Nov 06:08
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Hello! Here is the version 2.0.2 of Steam Tools. It's a Beta version and can have bugs. Please report bugs.

Improvements since version 2.0.1:

  • Reduce size in 30%
  • New look for some icons
  • Fancy progress bar animation
  • Update points from steamgifts while waiting for new giveaways
  • Add a new menu item for recheck logins

Fixes since version 2.0.1:

  • Fix icons from menu bar
  • Fix a problem that could cause slow logins on Windows
  • Fix a problem that steam tools was downloading some pages more than once
  • Fix a problem that could cause copyright message was not shown in console
  • Fix error when the giveaway end at same time the program is trying to join.
  • Clear the "total card left" entry from card farming after exit

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux - No package for Arch Linux this time, Sorry.

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v2.0.1 Alpha

12 Nov 03:36
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Hello! Here is the version 2.0.1 of Steam Tools. It's a Alpha version and WILL HAVE bugs. Please report bugs.

Fixes since version 2.0:

  • Fix a problem with secure connections on Linux that cause login fails
  • Fix a problem that was preventing user from enter in giveaways
  • Check for cookies too when don't receive response from server
  • Get user points correctly in the steamgifts_join module
  • Don't show "Gathering..." message when waiting for more points
  • Fix progress bars that would not empty after finishing the operation
  • Fix a problem that don't activate the start button for some tabs after check the logins

Known bugs:

  • Some icons are not shown on Windows
  • The login process on Windows sometimes can take longer than expected

Linux Packages:
No packages for this release. Sorry.

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam tools v2.0 Alpha

05 Nov 00:19
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Hello! Here is the version 2.0 of Steam Tools. It's a Alpha version and WILL HAVE bugs. Please report bugs.

  • The program has been completely rewritten.
  • This version includes a new Graphical Interface that can be used for access all modules.
  • The old console mode can be used with the -c (or --cli) param.
  • The Cygwin version will be discontinued. Get ready for it.

By the absurd amount of commits, It's impossible for provide a list of changes this time.

Linux Packages:
No packages for this release. Sorry.

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.8.4

26 Aug 12:09
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  • Now all modules will check for insecure connections
  • Added message for anti-ban timer


  • Fix a problem that caused the steamgifts-join crash when the page has no developer giveaways

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.8.3

06 Jul 02:44
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  • Now the steamcompanion-join will work like steamgifts-join, joining in the group giveaways if you are in the giveaway group and joining in the contributor giveaways if you have the required level
  • Now the steamcompanion-join will enter in raffle too by default. (if you used the tool before update/delete your config file)


  • Fix a problem that caused the steam-card-farming crash when the user have 2 or more pages of badges

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.8.2

28 May 17:53
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  • steamgifts-join and steamcompanion-join will wait some seconds between joining each giveaway to avoid ban
  • steamgifts-join and steamgifts-bump will now check for suspensions before start


  • Fixed a problem that crash steam tools when the browser profile is not synchronized with an real account

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.8.1

15 May 00:26
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In this release you can use the new tool called steamcompanion-join and a beautiful colored console output (if you console support it)


  • New logger system
  • New console colored output (not support by default windows console)
  • New tool called steamcompanion-join


  • Fix lambda errors
  • Fix logger level
  • Fix cookies trace in stnetwork

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.7

27 Apr 19:15
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It's the first stable version of the Steam Tools.


  • Fix a problem that caused the steam-card-farming did not find the fake-steam-app
  • Fix a problem that caused the fake-steam-app to seek for an incorrect library path
  • Add missing file in Linux build


  • Fast steam login check in the steam-card-farming
  • Report when a badge is ignored by an connection problem
  • Log files is now at temporary directory
  • Now the binary build of the Steam Tools for Linux makes sense

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

If you find any bugs, please report HERE, so that it will be fixed as quick as possible.
If you think any feature adding to Steam Tools can improve its features, please recommend it HERE.

Steam Tools v0.6.2 Beta

13 Apr 23:46
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It's a Beta version of the Steam Tools. Please report bugs.


  • Fix bug that prevent steamgifts-join to enter in the giveaways
  • Fix error when the steamgifts-join try to enter in a giveaway that already expired
  • Fix error when the steamgifts-bump has an invalid tradeID
  • Double check when the user have two or more chrome profile and the selected profile has no steamLogin cookie
  • Fix error when the stnetwork try to connect to an secured connection in the compiled version

Linux Packages:
Arch Linux

Steam Tools v0.5 Alpha

05 Apr 23:59
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It's an alpha version of the Steam Tools. Please report bugs.