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2020-05-12-How to Write Go Code 译文.md

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How to Write Go Code 译文
2020-05-12 16:55:01 -0700
How to Write Go Code 译文




How to Write Go Code


This document demonstrates the development of a simple Go package inside a module and introduces the go tool, the standard way to fetch, build, and install Go modules, packages, and commands.

本文档展示了一个简单 Go 包的开发,并介绍了用 go工具来获取、 构建并安装 Go 包及命令的标准方式。

Note: This document assumes that you are using Go 1.13 or later and the GO111MODULE environment variable is not set. If you are looking for the older, pre-modules version of this document, it is archived here.


Code organization

Go programs are organized into packages. A package is a collection of source files in the same directory that are compiled together. Functions, types, variables, and constants defined in one source file are visible to all other source files within the same package.


A repository contains one or more modules. A module is a collection of related Go packages that are released together. A Go repository typically contains only one module, located at the root of the repository. A file named go.mod there declares the module path: the import path prefix for all packages within the module. The module contains the packages in the directory containing its go.mod file as well as subdirectories of that directory, up to the next subdirectory containing another go.mod file (if any).

一个仓库包含了一或若干个模块,一个模块是若干个Go包的集合体,这些Go包将会同时被发布(released)。一个经典的Go仓库仅包含一个模块,该模块的位置是在仓库的根位置。在根路径处,一个名为go.mod 的文件,它里面声明了模块的路径——即,导入路径 将会成为这个模块里的所有包的前缀。该模块将会包含go.mod所处的文件夹以及子文件夹中的包,如果该模块拥有子模块,那么该模块将遍历到含有另一个 go.mod 的文件夹位置(即遍历到下一个模块为止)。

Note that you don't need to publish your code to a remote repository before you can build it. A module can be defined locally without belonging to a repository. However, it's a good habit to organize your code as if you will publish it someday.


Each module's path not only serves as an import path prefix for its packages, but also indicates where the go command should look to download it. For example, in order to download the module, the go command would consult the repository indicated by (described more here).

每一个模块的路径不仅仅提供 它的包 路径前缀,而且还可以提示 go命令去哪里下载(依赖包)。举例说明,如果你想要下载模块,那么 go 将通过该提示去查询仓库(详情请看here)。

An import path is a string used to import a package. A package's import path is its module path joined with its subdirectory within the module. For example, the module contains a package in the directory cmp/. That package's import path is Packages in the standard library do not have a module path prefix.

一个导入路径是一个字符串,用于导入包。包的导入路径是它的模块路径 加上 该模块的子目录。举例说明,模块包含了一个名为cmp/.的目录。那么该包的导入路径将会是。在标准库中的包是不需要模块前缀的。

Your first program

To compile and run a simple program, first choose a module path (we'll use and create a go.mod file that declares it:


$ mkdir hello # Alternatively, clone it if it already exists in version control.
$ cd hello
$ go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module
$ cat go.mod

go 1.14

The first statement in a Go source file must be package name. Executable commands must always use package main.

Go源代码的第一行语句必须是 package 名称。可通过命令运行的可执行程序则(第一行)是 package main

Next, create a file named hello.go inside that directory containing the following Go code:

接下来,在文件夹内,创建一个名为 hello.go 的文件,内容如下:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, world.")

Now you can build and install that program with the go tool:

现在,你可以通过 go 工具去构建并安装该程序

$ go install

This command builds the hello command, producing an executable binary. It then installs that binary as $HOME/go/bin/hello (or, under Windows, %USERPROFILE%\go\bin\hello.exe).

该命令将会构建一个hello命令,并生成一个可执行的二进制文件。然后将它将该二进制文件安装成$HOME/go/bin/hello, (在Windows环境下则是%USERPROFILE%\go\bin\hello.exe).

The install directory is controlled by the GOPATH and GOBIN environment variables. If GOBIN is set, binaries are installed to that directory. If GOPATH is set, binaries are installed to the bin subdirectory of the first directory in the GOPATH list. Otherwise, binaries are installed to the bin subdirectory of the default GOPATH ($HOME/go or %USERPROFILE%\go).

安装地址由GOPATHGOBIN 环境变量决定。如果GOBIN设置了的话,则安装在这个目录下。如果GOPATH设定了,则安装到第一个GOPATHbin子目录下。否则,则安装在默认的GOPATH ($HOME/go%USERPROFILE%\go)的bin子目录。

You can use the go env command to portably set the default value for an environment variable for future go commands:

你可以通过go env 命令便捷地设置默认环境量,设置后将会影响之后的go命令:

$ go env -w GOBIN=/somewhere/else/bin

To unset a variable previously set by go env -w, use go env -u:

删除(之前创建的)环境变量则使用go env -u

$ go env -u GOBIN

Commands like go install apply within the context of the module containing the current working directory. If the working directory is not within the module, go install may fail.

go install的命令将会应用范围是,模块的所有内容,这包含当前工作目录。如果工作目录不包含模块,那么go install将会失败。

For convenience, go commands accept paths relative to the working directory, and default to the package in the current working directory if no other path is given. So in our working directory, the following commands are all equivalent:

为了方便,go命令接受使用 工作目录的相对路径 ,以及当没有指定路径时,包的路径将会默认为当前工作目录。因此,在我们的工作目录,下面的命令是等价的:

$ go install
$ go install .
$ go install

Next, let's run the program to ensure it works. For added convenience, we'll add the install directory to our PATH to make running binaries easy:


# Windows users should consult
# for setting %PATH%.
$ export PATH=$PATH:$(dirname $(go list -f '{{.Target}}' .))
$ hello
Hello, world.

If you're using a source control system, now would be a good time to initialize a repository, add the files, and commit your first change. Again, this step is optional: you do not need to use source control to write Go code.

如果你有在使用代码控制系统,那么现在是一个很好的机会去初始化仓库,添加这些文件,然后提交。这里再次强调,上述的操作是可选的,也许你并不需要使用 代码控制 去管理Go代码。

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/hello/.git/
$ git add go.mod hello.go
$ git commit -m "initial commit"
[master (root-commit) 0b4507d] initial commit
 1 file changed, 7 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 go.mod hello.go

The go command locates the repository containing a given module path by requesting a corresponding HTTPS URL and reading metadata embedded in the HTML response (see go help importpath). Many hosting services already provide that metadata for repositories containing Go code, so the easiest way to make your module available for others to use is usually to make its module path match the URL for the repository.

Go命令可以定位“内含给定模块地址的仓库”,定位原理是:通过发送一个对应的HTTPS地址,然后读取HTML response里的metadata内容 (详情看go help importpath)。对于包含Go代码的仓库,许多托管服务(hosting service)已经提供用于这种仓库的元数据,因此最简单的方式让你的仓库有效化的方式是,让你的模块地址与仓库的URL相匹配。

Importing packages from your module

Let's write a morestrings package and use it from the hello program. First, create a directory for the package named $HOME/hello/morestrings, and then a file named reverse.go in that directory with the following contents:

我们一起来写一个morestrings包吧!该包用到刚刚的 hello 程序。首先,创建一个该包的目录,就叫$HOME/hello/morestrings吧,然后在该目录下创建一个文件reverse.go,文件内容如下:

// Package morestrings implements additional functions to manipulate UTF-8
// encoded strings, beyond what is provided in the standard "strings" package.
package morestrings

// ReverseRunes returns its argument string reversed rune-wise left to right.
func ReverseRunes(s string) string {
	r := []rune(s)
	for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < len(r)/2; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
	return string(r)

Because our ReverseRunes function begins with an upper-case letter, it is exported, and can be used in other packages that import our morestrings package.

因为ReverseRunes函数的名字是大写开头,所以它将被暴露,也就是说,在其他包里导入morestrings 包后,我们可以使用这个函数。

Let's test that the package compiles with go build:

我们来试试用go build来编译这个包

$ cd $HOME/hello/morestrings
$ go build

This won't produce an output file. Instead it saves the compiled package in the local build cache.


After confirming that the morestrings package builds, let's use it from the hello program. To do so, modify your original $HOME/hello/hello.go to use the morestrings package:

在确认了morestrings包成功构建后了,我们在hello程序里用它吧。为了这样做,首先修改原来的文件$HOME/hello/hello.go ,去使用 morestrings 包

package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Println(morestrings.ReverseRunes("!oG ,olleH"))

Install the hello program:


$ go install

Running the new version of the program, you should see a new, reversed message:


$ hello
Hello, Go!

Importing packages from remote modules

An import path can describe how to obtain the package source code using a revision control system such as Git or Mercurial. The go tool uses this property to automatically fetch packages from remote repositories. For instance, to use in your program:

一个导入路径用于描述,怎么样通过Git或Mercurial等修订控制系统(Revision Control System),获得在包里的源代码。go工具使用导入路径(该属性)去自动获取远程仓库的包。举例说明,如果你想要在程序中程序,就像下面代码:

package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Println(morestrings.ReverseRunes("!oG ,olleH"))
	fmt.Println(cmp.Diff("Hello World", "Hello Go"))

When you run commands like go install, go build, or go run, the go command will automatically download the remote module and record its version in your go.mod file:

当运行类似go installgo buildgo run 这些命令时, go 命令将会自动下载远程模块,并将其版本记录至go.mod 中:

$ go install
go: finding module for package
go: downloading v0.4.0
go: found in v0.4.0
$ hello
Hello, Go!
- 	"Hello World",
+ 	"Hello Go",
$ cat go.mod

go 1.14

require v0.4.0

Module dependencies are automatically downloaded to the pkg/mod subdirectory of the directory indicated by the GOPATH environment variable. The downloaded contents for a given version of a module are shared among all other modules that require that version, so the go command marks those files and directories as read-only. To remove all downloaded modules, you can pass the -modcache flag to go clean:

模块的依赖被会自动下载到 GOPATH环境变量的目录下的pkg/mod的子目录里。下载的是模块指定版本的内容,其他模块可以共享该内容,但这些模块需要通过require指定版本,因此go命令把这些(下载了的)文件和目录都标记为只可读。(require的示例可参考这里

$ go clean -modcache


Go has a lightweight test framework composed of the go test command and the testing package.

Go有一个轻型的测试框架,由 go test命令和testing包组成。

You write a test by creating a file with a name ending in _test.go that contains functions named TestXXX with signature func (t *testing.T). The test framework runs each such function; if the function calls a failure function such as t.Error or t.Fail, the test is considered to have failed.

测试文件名字后缀为_test.go ,文件包含名为 TestXXX函数且签名(类型签名:Type signature)为 func (t *testing.T)。该测试框架能运行上述的函数;当函数调用失败函数(如:t.Errort.Fail),测试结果会被认为失败。

Add a test to the morestrings package by creating the file $HOME/hello/morestrings/reverse_test.go containing the following Go code.

morestrings 包里添加一个测试文件$HOME/hello/morestrings/reverse_test.go,内容如下:

package morestrings

import "testing"

func TestReverseRunes(t *testing.T) {
	cases := []struct {
		in, want string
		{"Hello, world", "dlrow ,olleH"},
		{"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"},
		{"", ""},
	for _, c := range cases {
		got := ReverseRunes(
		if got != c.want {
			t.Errorf("ReverseRunes(%q) == %q, want %q",, got, c.want)

Then run the test with go test:

运行go test进行测试

$ go test
ok 0.165s

Run go help test and see the testing package documentation for more detail.

更多详情可运行 go help test 和查看testing package documentation

What's next

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See Effective Go for tips on writing clear, idiomatic Go code.

Take A Tour of Go to learn the language proper.

Visit the documentation page for a set of in-depth articles about the Go language and its libraries and tools.

Getting help

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