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DA edited this page Nov 5, 2022 · 33 revisions

PHP meets Vue JS


Welcome to the course

Caligrafy is a modern MVC framework that leverages the powerful technologies that fuel each of the M (Model), the V (View) and the C (Controller). Vue JS is a modern and progressive Javascript framework that has been built from the ground up just like Caligrafy. Vue JS empowers you to create powerful and sophisticated Views. This framework integrates seamlessly with Vue JS to combine the best of PHP with the best of JS. This is an outstanding course that will show you how to bridge the power of server-side frameworks such as Caligrafy with the sophistication of client-side frameworks such as Vue JS to create delightful web experiences.


  1. Welcome to the course

  2. Building the Data Model with Caligrafy PHP

  3. Building basic applications with Vue.js as library

  4. Wrap Up

    • [Lecture 11: Course summary and final thoughts]