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MqttCommander | A fast, robust and easy to use MQTT rule engine


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⚙ MQTT COMMANDER - A fast, robust and easy to use MQTT rule engine

How does ist work an what can i do with it ?

The principle is simple:
a automations consists of two components: constraints and actions.
If all constraints are met, the configured actions are triggered.


  - Name: My Awesome Example Rule
      - Mqtt : livingRoom/sensor.temperature >= 25
      - Mqtt : relais/fan.on = 1
      - Mqtt : system/notification = "Too hot 🔥! Fan has been tunred on 🔌!"

Of course, you can make the rules more complex and use additional conditions. These are described below.

The rules are saved in ".yml" files. These are saved in the "Automations /" folder. When the software is started for the first time, an example file is created there. Nested sub-folders are also possible.

Changes to the files are automatically transferred to the live system. ✅
(Attention: If a ".yml" is changed, all the rules contained therein are restarted)


  • Supports JSON encoded MQTT Messages (e.g. mytopic/sensor.value)
  • Supports all common comparators [<,>,<=,>=,==,!=]
  • Supports RegEx in String compararison
  • Supports Cron triggered events
  • Supports HTTP calls
  • LIVE reload of config files
  • Templates
  • Special functions, like Timeout, reminder and auto reset of rules
  • Web-Dashbaord ro review the Status of your Rules
  • Focus on reliability and speed

Getting Started:

QuickStart on Docker:

docker run -it -p 9090:9090 -v mqttcommanderdata:/data --name mqttcommander calkoe/mqttcommander

Note: Your Config files will be stored at the "mqttcommanderdata" volume.

Use one of this pre-Compiled Binarys, at the first start an order with the name "Config" is automatically created, here you will also find some sample files.

Download MqttCommander

Of course, you can also start or compile the program yourself after downloading this repository.

go run MqttCommander
go build MqttCommander

When the software is started for the first time, the configuration folder structure is created in the same directory as the executable file.

Enter the URI of your MQTT server in the "config.yml" file.

After restarting the software, you will find an overview of the active automations at http://localhost:9090 🔥

Possible rule options:

Option Required Default Values Description
Name - TEXT Humand readable name of your Automation
Triggered false true / false Defines whether the rule is set by default
Hidden false true / false Hide these rules in the dashboard
Mode AND AND / OR How many conditions must be met
Retrigger false true / false Execute the actions again without the rule having to be inactive beforehand (set 0 to deactivate)
Pause 0s duration Minimum time between triggering the rule (set 0 to deactivate)
Delay 0s duration Delay between the fulfilment of the conditions and the triggering of the actions (set 0 to deactivate)
Reminder 0s duration Adjustable time interval in which the actions are repeated as long as all conditions are fulfilled (set 0 to deactivate)
Constraint - Constraints[] List of all conditions
Actions - Actions[] List of all actions

Available constraints:

Identifier Syntax Example Description
Cron * * * * * * * (Reset 2s) Time condition in the usual CRON format, supports seconds and time span
Possible options:
Reset Reset [duration]) resets the condition after a defined period of time (Set 0 to disable, Default: 0)
NoTrigger NoTrigger [0/1] actions are not triggered if this condition fulfils the mode of the rule (Default: 0)
Mqtt demo/sensor.value <= "3" (Reset 2s) Received values from MQTT topics, JSON objects and various data types are possible
Possible options:
Reset Reset [duration]) resets the condition after a defined period of time (Set 0 to disable, Default: 0)
NoTrigger NoTrigger [0/1] actions are not triggered if this condition fulfils the mode of the rule (Default: 0)
Timeout Timeout [duration] Condition is fulfilled if no more data has been received since the set time period (Set 0 to disable, Default: 0)
BlockRetained BlockRetained [0/1] Discard retained MQTT messages (Default: 0)
NoValue NoValue [0/1] Do not set the rule content to the message content (Default: 0)

Available actions:

Identifier Syntax Example Description
Http (Reverse 2s) Call specify URL
Possible options:
Reverse Reverse [0/1] This action is only executed when the rule is reset (Default: 0)
Mqtt demo/sensor.value = "3" (Retained 1) Send messages to the MQTT Broker, JSON objects, templates and various data types are possible
Possible options:
Reverse Reverse [0/1] This action is only executed when the rule is reset (Default: 0)
Retained Retained [0/1] Retain message (Default: 0)

Note: It is possible to insert placeholders in the message content of the actions, these are e.g. {{.Name}} for the name of the rule or {{.Value}} for the value of the rule.


- Name: Full Demo MQTT Automation
  Mode: AND
  Retrigger: true
  Pause: 10s
  Delay: 0s
  Reminder: 1m
    - Mqtt : demo/sensor.value <= "3" (Reset 2s)  (Timeout 5s) (BlockRetained 0)
    - Mqtt : demo/actuator = 1 (Retained 0)
    - Mqtt : demo/notification = {{.Name}} triggered! 🤓

MqttCommander Roadmap:

  • Add Support for Multi-Level JSON Objects
  • Complete Documentation
  • Dashbaord: Smooth Reload
  • Dashbaord: Hide uninitialized rules
  • Dashbaord: Add indicator for invalid rules
  • Dashbaord: Display Timeout and Reset as optional badges
  • Dashbaord: Fix representation of long numbers
  • Add Support for XOR Rules
  • Dashbaord: Redesign File-Overview

Often used together:


  container_name: emqx
  image: emqx/emqx
    - 1883:1883
    - 8883:8883
    - 18083:18083
    - emqx_opt_emqx_data:/opt/emqx/data
    - emqx_opt_emqx_etc:/opt/emqx/etc
    - emqx_opt_emqx_log:/opt/emqx/log
  restart: unless-stopped

  container_name: zigbee2mqtt
  image: koenkk/zigbee2mqtt
    - 8888:8888
    - zigbee2mqtt_app_data:/app/data
    - /dev/USBZigBee:/USBZigBee
    - emqx
    - emqx
  restart: unless-stopped

  container_name: node-red
  image: nodered/node-red
  network_mode: host
    - node-red_data:/data
    - emqx
  restart: unless-stopped

  container_name: mqttcommander
  image: calkoe/mqttcommander
    - 9090:9090
    - mqttcommander_data:/data
    - emqx
    - zigbee2mqtt
    - node-red
  restart: unless-stopped