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insert your Discord ID and Steam ID into the users.json file

callFEELD edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

You got your Discord ID and SteamID64 ready? Let's begin adding you to the moderators.

  1. open the users.json file with any editor

{"moderators": {"": ""}, "users": {}, "teams": []}

  1. place your data as shown:

{"moderators": {"[DISCORD ID]": "[STEAMID64]"}, "users": {}, "teams": []}

so just replace [DISCORD ID] with your Discord ID and [STEAMID64] with your SteamID64.

  1. Save the file
  2. Done, you are now a moderator and can create teams, add players and more stuff

!!!If you want to add another moderator just do this (add a , after "[YOUR STEAMID64]" and append: "[another Discord ID]": "[another SteamID64]")

{"moderators": {"[YOUR DISCORD ID]": "[YOUR STEAMID64]", "[another Discord ID]": "[another SteamID64]"}, "users": {}, "teams": []}