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The Personal Finances API

Expenses is an API in Go for managing your monthly expenses, initially intended as project for practing web services creation in Go, although fully-featured and production-ready.

Still very much a work in progress.


  • Multiple users with authentication for each
  • User activation via email
  • Configurable CORS handling
  • Built-in rate limiter
  • More soon


The application is configured via command-line flags. You can see a list of all available flags by starting the application with the -help flag.

make build/api
./bin/api -help


Expenses uses the PostgreSQL database. Supply a value to the the -db-dsn flag via the environment variable EXPENSES_DB_DSN to especify to which PostgreSQL instance the API should connect to at startup.

Connection Pool settings can be edited using the rest of the -db flags.


SMTP is used to send activation tokens in order to verify an user's email address. An example of SMTP configuration can be seen on the Makefile's run/api target:

exec bin/api \
	-db-dsn=${EXPENSES-DB-DSN} \
	-smtp-host=${EXPENSES_SMTP_HOST} \
	-smtp-port=${EXPENSES_SMTP_PORT} \

Note that no values are passed to the -smtp-username and -smtp-password flags. Just as -db-dsn, for security reasons, they receive their values via the environment variables EXPENSES_SMTP_USERNAME and EXPENSES_SMTP_PASSWORD.

However, it is recommended that you pass

These SMTP credentials can be gotten from a email service such as Mailtrap or SendGrid.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is enabled by default. To disable it, set -limiter-enabled to false.

CORS Handling

Cross Origin Requests handling can be configured by the -cors-trusted-origins flag. By setting it to "*", you especify that every origin should be trusted, which is useful if you wish that your Expenses instance is publically available to every browser frontend. However, if you want to restrict it's access to only a few selected frontends, set -cors-trusted-origins to a space separated list of the frontend origins.


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