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iondune committed Oct 2, 2017
1 parent ce3fc97 commit 1ffa9e3
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 173 deletions.
177 changes: 4 additions & 173 deletions
@@ -1,174 +1,5 @@
Lab 3 - Installing prerequisite software

Lab machines (Linux)

The compiler, CMake, GLM, and GLFW3 should already be installed.
Skip to "Building and Running the Lab/Assignment" below.

Lab machines (Windows)

Visual Studio is installed, and solution files are provided, but you must install `GLM` and `GLFW3` locally.

First, navigate to `Document` and enter the `Visual Studio 2017` folder.
In this folder, create a folder called `SDKs`.

Next, download `` at [this location](
Extract the `glm` folder into your `SDKs` folder, then rename it to `glm-`.

Finally, download `` at [this location](
Extract the `glfw-3.2.1.bin.WIN64` folder into your `SDKs` folder.

Skip to "Building and Running the Lab/Assignment" below.

Ubuntu Linux

You'll need the following if you don't have them already.

> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install g++
> sudo apt-get install cmake
> sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
> sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev
> sudo apt-get install libxinerama-dev
> sudo apt-get install libxcursor-dev
> sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
> sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

Mac OS X

You can use homebrew/macports or install these manually.

- Xcode developer tools. You'll need to log in with your Apple ID.
- CMake (<>)
- [GLM](
- [GLFW3](

Make sure the commands `g++` and `cmake` work from the command prompt.


First, download **Visual Studio Community 2017**.
Make sure to install the C++ development tools.

At this point, you can choose to follow the "Lab machines (Windows)" instructions above.

Or, if you would rather do CMake (or if you have a different version of Visual Studio and don't want to change),
follow these steps:

Download these:

- CMake (<>). Make sure to add CMake to the system
path when asked to do so.
- [vcpkg](

Make sure the command `cmake` works from the command prompt.

Now use `vcpkg` to install `glm` and `glfw3`

Building and Running the Lab/Assignment

All platforms (except Lab windows)

We'll perform an "out-of- source" build, which means that the binary files
will not be in the same directory as the source files. In the folder that
contains CMakeLists.txt, run the following.

> mkdir build
> cd build

Then run one of the following *from the build folder*, depending on your
choice of platform and IDE.

OSX & Linux Makefile

> cmake ..

This will generate a Makefile that you can use to compile your code. To
compile the code, run the generated Makefile.

> make -j4

The `-j` argument speeds up the compilation by multithreading the compiler.
This will generate an executable, which you can run by typing

> ./Lab3 ../resources

To build in release mode, use `ccmake ..` and change `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` to
`Release`. Press 'c' to configure then 'g' to generate. Now `make -j4` will
build in release mode.

To change the compiler, read [this
The best way is to use environment variables before calling cmake. For
example, to use the Intel C++ compiler:

> which icpc # copy the path
> CXX=/path/to/icpc cmake ..

OSX Xcode

> cmake -G Xcode ..

This will generate `Lab3.xcodeproj` project that you can open with Xcode.

- To run, change the target to `Lab00` by going to Product -> Scheme -> Lab00.
Then click on the play button or press Command+R to run the application.
- Edit the scheme to add command-line arguments (`../../resources`) or to run
in release mode.

Windows Visual Studio 2017

The provided `.sln` should work out of the box, provided you installed the two dependencies.

- To build and run the project, right-click on `Lab3` in the project explorer
and then click on "Set as Startup Project." Then press F7 (Build Solution)
and then F5 (Start Debugging).
- To add a commandline argument, right-click on `Lab3` in
the project explorer and then click on "Properties" and then click on

Windows Visual Studio 2015

Or on your own machine, if you would prefer to use CMake.

Use [vcpkg]( to install `glfw3` and `glm`.

> cmake ..

By default on Windows, CMake will generate a Visual Studio solution file,
`Lab00.sln`, which you can open by double-clicking. If you get a version
mismatch, you may have to specify your visual studio version, for example:

> cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..

Other versions of Visual Studio are listed on the CMake page

- To build and run the project, right-click on `Lab3` in the project explorer
and then click on "Set as Startup Project." Then press F7 (Build Solution)
and then F5 (Start Debugging).
- To add a commandline argument, right-click on `Lab3` in
the project explorer and then click on "Properties" and then click on
Two Object Demo

Based on lab03.
For build instructions, see **Lab 3**.

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