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Releases: caltechlibrary/boffo

Release 1.9.1

12 Mar 21:37
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There are no functional changes in this release; all the changes involve build automation and updates to things like copyright statements.

  • Added alt text to images in Markdown files.
  • Added a workflow to run Baler.
  • Added configurations and workflows for a Markdown linter, a YAML file linter, and a JSON file linter.
  • Fixed linter warnings in various files.
  • Updated the DOI link in the file to use a URL that automatically resolves to the latest archived release of Boffo in CaltechDATA, so that the file does not have to be updated upon every release.
  • Add a .github/ file, like a good GitHub citizen.
  • Updated Makefile to incorporate improvements developed while working on other software.
  • Updated copyright year where appropriate.

Release 1.9.0

05 Oct 21:42
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This version introduces a new pseudo-location called "Any" in the search-by-call-numbers command, letting the user search for a given call number or call number range at any location.

Release 1.8.0

22 Sep 01:17
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In this version, Boffo's function to search by call numbers is (hopefully) more forgiving of errors in the placement of spaces and periods.

Release 1.7.1

19 Sep 23:44
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This version fixes a bug in fetching results from Folio that caused Boffo to return only the first 1000 results from searches that should have yielded more.

Release 1.7.0

12 Sep 22:18
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New in this version:

  • The interface for searching by call numbers now optionally lets you enter only one value, to search for that single call number at the given location.

Changes in this version:

  • The previous algorithm for searching by call numbers was completely broken. This new implementation should do the right thing.
  • Previously, when searching by call numbers, if nothing was found for a given call number, Boffo assumed the call number had an error in it and printed an error message to that effect. This was wrong because failing to find a call number could be due to other causes, such as if there are no items with that call number at the given location. The new version of Boffo hopefully prints a more accurate error message.

Release 1.6.1

05 Sep 20:50
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Changes in this version:

  • Boffo failed to ask for credentials when tokens expired, and instead just reported an error. Fixed; it now checks the token and brings up the credentials dialog if a new token is needed.
  • Boffo prints a couple more messages while it's working, in case very large lookups take so long that the user is left wondering whether anything is happening.

Release 1.6.0

30 Aug 20:12
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Changes in this version:

  • What counts as a "barcode" was previously too specific to the patterns of barcodes used at the Caltech Library. This is no longer the case, and Boffo now accepts anything that has at least one number in it.
  • The function Find items in call number range will work even if the user enters the same call number in the call number range fields. The effect is to search for that single call number at the given location. This is useful in situations where a library files certain items always under the same call number (e.g., THESIS) and the items are distinguished on some other basis. With this change, a user can find all items with that call number at a given location.
  • The Find items in call number range dialog will allow a limited kind of local call number. Specifically, it will recognize single words written in capitals and consisting of only letters. Examples: THESIS, FILM.
  • The values returned by Find items in call number range were not being sorted. They are now sorted according to FOLIO's shelving order sort order.
  • The resizing/scaling behavior of dialog windows is hopefully improved. Previously, on different browser/OS combinations, some people were getting scroll bars inside the dialogs like the call number dialog.

Release 1.5.0

30 Aug 00:11
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This version introduces a new command: Find items in call number range. When invoked from the Boffo menus, it asks the user for starting and ending call numbers at a location, searches Folio for the range of items in the range of those call numbers, and writes the output to a new sheet in the spreadsheet.

Release 1.4.0

02 Aug 20:45
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This version introduces a new menu option, Select record fields to show, allowing the user to select which data fields are shown for item records retrieved from FOLIO.

Other changes in this version:

  • Fixed: Boffo would experience an error if you selected a single barcode and that barcode didn't exist in Folio. It will now write an empty row instead.
  • Fixed: the alignment of the barcode column was always incorrect for the last row of the results spreadsheet due to an off-by-one error in the code.

Release 1.3.0

17 Jul 21:00
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This version dramatically speeds up Boffo. The approach gets data from Folio in batches of 50 records at a time, and also writes the Google sheet in blocks of 50 rows. In testing, the new version gets record at a rate of between 70--100 records/second.