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A collaboration between Systematic and 'camelCaseCrew'


'PredictIT' is a system for predicting and visualizing device failures. It was developed by a team of ITU students known as 'camelCaseCrew', as a part of a course on scrum and software development in large teams.


Docker and docker-compose:


NodeJS (for the node package manager): - this is only necessary for testing

Getting the code

Since the file /data_generator/data/harddrive.csv is too large for git to pull, one has to use 'GIT LFS'.

git lfs fetch
git lfs checkout

Alternatively, the file can be downloaded directly.

Running the system

The project is run using Docker, so make sure to first have Docker running.

To run the program, there are 3 options (all the same)

  1. Run the file
  2. Run the terminal command make compose_up_attached for attached mode or make compose_up for detached mode
  3. Run the terminal command docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

Then visit http://localhost:3001

Note: sometimes the 'rabbitmq' service is unhealthy - just delete all containers and run it again.

To build, run make build_services

It is also possible to run the frontend seperately (without docker) from the rest of the system.

cd frontend/
npm install
npm run dev

Then visit http://localhost:3003


Data stream simulation

The data stream simulation can be run at 3 different levels of intensities. You first have to run the system with either forementioned command. See data_generator/app/ to change these values.

  • 250 records pr minute: make low_throughput_data_simulation
  • 1000 records per minute: make medium_throughput_data_simulation
  • 4000 records per minute: make high_throughput_data_simulation

ML Worker replication

To launch multiple ML-workers at once, the --scale flag can be used.

E.g. the following command will launch 3 instances of the ML-worker on startup:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml up --scale predictive_maintenance=3

Increasing amount of simulated data

The default is 50.000 rows taken out of data_generator/data/harddrive.csv. Unfortunately there is no simple way of configuring this amount, it has to be hardcoded. This can be done on line 35 of data_generator/data_generator/app/ The last argument given to CSV_Parser can be changed to any number (the last digit is not allowed to be zero).

Front-End Config-Guide

These are the files that are unique for the specific pages.

History Page
  • LogData (Logic)
  • LogDataComponent (Visuals)
  • FeedbackButton
  • tailwind.config.js (Colours)
Index Page

ClickableIframe OverviewButton

Health-Graps Page

Is currently self-contained. Right now the context global.tsx supports this page with a global filter value, this is currently hardcoded to: 1 = Healthy 2 = Risk 3 = Critical The other pages and components modify this value, and this page will change accordingly.

  • Navbar
  • NavbarButton
  • Logo
  • BackButton

System architecture

System Architecture
General connections between system services


Frontend - visualizes health of devices. The ability to register new email-addresses to the alerting system. The ability to view and 'flag' specific device health logs.

Grafana - this is where graphs on the frontend are sourced from.

Prometheus - timeseries database responsible for storing all processed device health data. Responsible for detecting when to send alerts.

Alert manager - manages alerts received from prometheus. Registers and deregisters email-adresses. Generates emails to be sent.

SMTP server - Sends alert emails.

Data aggregator - collects processed data and presents it in a way such that prometheus can collect the data.

RabbitMQ - message queue that backend-services interact with when pulling and pushing processed/unprocessed data.

ML Worker - pulls in unprocessed data from the message queue, processes it (finds device health), puts the processed data back again.

Data generator - pushes unprocessed data to the message queue.

Database - stores unprocessed data, as well as logs that have been 'flagged' on the frontend.

Accessing different services

The different services are available at the following ports:

Registering and deregistering emails

To register a new email with the alert manager, make sure 'curl' or a similar tool is installed.


curl -X PUT http://localhost:5000/update/<email>
curl -X POST http://localhost:9093/-/reload


curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/remove/<email>
curl -X POST http://localhost:9093/-/reload

Notes on retraining the ML-model

In a regular runtime of the program, you are able to flag reported logs in the history page, these reported logs are saved in a table in the SQL database. This table allows you to pinpoint all the SMART-values that went into the prediction using a logs unique ID number. This can then be sent to a retraining service, which will have to be implemented from scratch.


There are two different types of tests: End-to-end cypress tests and testing of specific services

End-to-end tests

# from project root
make # or another command to run the system
npm install
npx cypress run

One can also use npx cypress open, to open the testing UI.

Screenshots and videos of the tests end up in cypress/screenshots and cypress/videos respectively.

Services tests

There are tests for the following services:

  • data-aggregator
  • data-stream
  • feedback-storage
  • ml-worker
  • rabbitmq
docker build -t unit_tests ./unit_tests/<service>/
# from project root
make # or any other command to run the system
# wait till services are healthy/running
docker run --network docker_predictive-maintenance-net unit_tests

Replace <service> with whichever service is to be tested from the above list.


No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 40.0%
  • TypeScript 30.9%
  • JavaScript 19.4%
  • CSS 6.8%
  • Dockerfile 1.5%
  • Makefile 0.8%
  • Shell 0.6%