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Adham Saad edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 4 revisions

All commands should be preceded by php artisan

Command Usage
deploy:local Deploy the application on the local server , rerun the migrations and seed the data
deploy:development Deploy the application on the development server , rerun the migrations and seed the data
deploy:testing Deploy the application on the development server , rerun the migrations and seed the data . It use sqlite ( database/testing_engine.sqlite )
tests:behavior run behavior testing under ./tests/behavior-testing using ./tests/behavior-testing.xml as conf file
test:unit run unit testing under ./tests/unit-testing using ./tests/unit-testing.xml as conf file
seed:entity seed ( count = 10 ) entities , e.g. php artisan seed:entity user 25 will add 25 users to the system
queue:work run the jobs in queues ( usually add -vvv to see errors )
ide-helper:models "<Model\Name>" where model name is its namespace after App\Entities e.g. : ide-helper:models "Tests\Category"
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