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[![CI Status]( Bell/CBFormController.svg?style=flat)]( Bell/CBFormController) Version License Platform

CBFormController is a versatile, customizable, form controller for iOS, written in Obj-C.


CBFormController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CBFormController"


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Making a Form

A CBFormController is a view controller that provides a form. It does not require a xib or any view setup by the user.

To create a CBFormController, create a subclass of CBFormController.

Then override the following function to create your form by creating CBFormItems and returning them in a 2-d array of sections:

-(NSArray *)getFormConfiguration {

    //Choose the way you want your form to handle saving
    [self setEditMode:CBFormEditModeEdit];

    //Create an array of sections
    NSMutableArray *sections = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    //Create a Text form item
    CBText *firstName = [[CBText alloc]initWithName:@"firstName"];
    [firstName setTitle:@"First Name"];
    [firstName setIcon:[FAKFontAwesome userIconWithSize:19]];
    [firstName setInitialValue:_appDelegate.profile.firstName];
    [firstName setValidation:^BOOL(NSString *value) {
        NSString *errString = (NSString*)[Profile validateFirstName:value];
        if (errString) {
            [self showValidationErrorWithMessage:errString];
            return NO;
        return YES;
    [firstName setSave:^(NSString *value) {
        _appDelegate.profile.firstName = value;

    CBText *lastName = [[CBText alloc]initWithName:@"lastName"];
    [lastName setTitle:@"Last Name"];
    [lastName setInitialValue:_appDelegate.profile.lastName];
    [lastName setSave:^(NSString *value) {
        _appDelegate.profile.lastName = value;

    //Create a picker form item
    CBPicker *gender = [[CBPicker alloc]initWithName:@"gender"];
    [gender setTitle:@"Gender"];
    [gender setInitialValue:_appDelegate.profile.gender == MALE ? GENDER_MALE : GENDER_FEMALE];
    [gender setIcon:[FAKFontAwesome transgenderIconWithSize:18]];
    [gender setItems:@[@"Male", @"Female"]];
    [gender setSave:^(NSString *value) {
        _appDelegate.profile.gender = [value isEqualToString:GENDER_MALE] ? MALE : FEMALE;

    //Create a date form item
    CBDate *birthDate = [[CBDate alloc]initWithName:@"birthdate"];
    [birthDate setTitle:@"Birthdate"];
    [birthDate setInitialValue:_appDelegate.profile.birthDate];
    [birthDate setIcon:[FAKFontAwesome calendarIconWithSize:18]];
    [birthDate setValidation:^BOOL(NSDate *value) {
        NSString *errString = (NSString*)[Profile validateBirthDate:value];
        if (errString) {
            [self showValidationErrorWithMessage:errString];
            return NO;
        return YES;
    [birthDate setSave:^(NSDate *value) {
        _appDelegate.profile.birthDate = value;

    //Add the created form items to arrays containing the form items that should be grouped together
    NSMutableArray *profileSection = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:firstName,lastName, nil];
    NSMutableArray *genderSection = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:gender,birthDate, nil];

    //Add the section arrays to the sections array
    [sections addObjectsFromArray:@[profileSection, genderSection]];

    //If this form is being edited, show the user a delete button
    if (self.editing) {
        CBButton *deleteButton = [[CBButton alloc]initWithName:@"delete"];
        [sections addObject:@[deleteButton]];
        [deleteButton setButtonType:CBButtonTypeDelete];
        [continueButton setSelect:^{
            [self delete];
    return sections;

Form Item Types




The buttonType property takes precedence over the titleAlign property.






CBView (WIP)

CBSegmentedControl (WIP)

CBAutoComplete (WIP)

CBCaption (WIP)


Editing Modes

A CBFormController has a property called editMode which determines whether the user can edit and save the form.

//Enum for the different editing modes of the CBFormController
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CBFormEditMode) {
    CBFormEditModeEdit = 1,

In -(NSArray *)getFormConfiguration the subclass should call: [self setEditMode:CBFormEditModeSave]; to set the edit mode. The default is CBFormEditModeFree.

The CBFormController also has a property called -(BOOL)editing; which tracks whether the form is currently editable.


This edit mode provides an Edit button in the view controller's navigation bar and does not allow the user to make changes to the form items until the user has tapped the edit button. The Edit button then turns into a Save button and once the user had made a change to the data, a Cancel button appears on the left side of the navigation bar.

CBFormItem has a boolean property called enabledWhenNotEditing which allows a form item to be editable when the formcontroller is not editing. CBButtons default this property to true.


This edit mode does not allow the user to edit any of the fields, unless the enabledWhenNotEditing property is set to true for that field.


In this edit mode, the CBFormController is always in an editable state. A Save button appears on the right of the navigation bar that becomes enabled when the user makes a change to the form.

CBFormEditModeFree (WIP)

In this edit mode, there is no save button and the form is always editable. When the user makes a change it is immediately validated and saved.


When the user presses the save button, the CBFormController's -(BOOL)save; function is called. The subclass can override this function but must remember to call [super save] if the navigation item functionality is to be preserved.

When the save function is called, the CBFormController first calls the validation blocks of all the form items should they exist. Each form item has the opportunity to block the save call in its validation block by returning YES or NO depending on whether the validation passed. If no validation block is provided for a form item then no validation is performed.

If validation passes, the save block is called on all form items. This is where the subclass should handle saving the returned value back to the data store/model.


Whenever the Save, Edit, or Cancel button is pressed, -(void)reloadEntireForm; is called on the CBFormController. This means that the -(NSArray *)getFormConfiguration; function is called again and the subclass has an opportunity to change properties of the form items or add or remove form items.

Customized Cell Sets

CBFormController allows you to install a cell set which is a collection of classes which extend the functionality of the CBFormItems and provide the aesthetic of the cells, via an .xib file for each cell type.

####Creating a New CBCellSet

  1. Create a subclass of CBCellSet
  2. Create an instance of the subclass and set it to the cellSet property of the CBFormController
  3. Implement Default height and default two line height if applicable.
  4. Create cell classes titled "[NameOfSubclass][FormItemType Enum Value]” (Must have an xib with a single cell inside for each class.)
  5. Configure each cell and link its properties using Interface Builder

Creating a New CBFormItemType

  1. Create a subclass of CBFormItem
  2. Import your subclass in CBFormController
  3. Create a subclass of CBCell for the new type. Ex. CBTextCell
  4. Implement -(void)configureForFormItem:(CBText *)formItem; in the CBCellSubclass
  5. Create a subclass of the CBCell subclass (eg. subclass of CBTextCell) titled “[name of your CBCellSet subclass][formtype enum value]” (e.g. CBCellSet2Text )
  6. Override -(void)configureForFormItem:(CBText *)formItem; in this new subclass if necessary. Make sure to call super.
  7. Create an empty xib file with the same name as the second subclass.
  8. Create a single uitableviewcell in the file and set it’s class to the second subclass.
  9. Implement the CBFormItem’s subclass’s methods:
    • -(BOOL)isEdited;
    • -(CBFormItemType)type;
    • -(NSObject *)value;
    • -(void)setInitialValue:(NSObject *)value;
    • -(void)engage;
    • -(void)dismiss;
  10. Remember to account cases when parameters and values are nil.

Form Items with Dynamic Heights

Call [self updates]; on the CBFormController when you want the height of a cell to be updated with animation.

Creating a Custom Property on CBCell From a CBCell Category

This is useful when you want all of the cells in your custom CBCellSet to have the same property. This property could be IBOutlet and can be linked to from interface builder.

  1. Define a category on CBCell (Ex. CBCell+CBCellSet1)
  2. Above the the implementation, define a static char called [name of your property]Key (Ex. static char iconLabelKey;)
  3. In the Interface of the category, define your new property. You cannot @synthesize this property in the .m file.
  4. Then manually create a properly formatted setter and getter for this property and include their declarations in the interface. (ex. -(void)setIconLabel:(UILabel *)iconLabel; and -(UILabel *)iconLabel;)
  5. Implement the getter and setter as follows:
- (void)setIconLabel:(UILabel *)iconLabel {
    [self setCustomPropertyWithObject:iconLabel forKey:iconLabelKey];
- (UILabel *)iconLabel {
    return (UILabel *)[self getCustomPropertyWithKey:iconLabelKey];
  1. If the property was an IBOutlet, you will now be able to connect the custom property in Interface Builder.
  2. If you need to access this property in a subclass of CBCell, then #import the category in the class in which you want to access the property.


  • pod 'UITextView+Placeholder'
  • pod 'MZFormSheetController', '~> 3.1'
  • FAKFontAwesome


Version History

See the Change Log.


CBFormController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.