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cameronraysmith committed Apr 16, 2014
1 parent 7c70bea commit 8719a2f
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@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
import inspect
import math
import warnings

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

import ternary

### Globals ##
# Plotting options for matplotlib, color list to maintain colors across plots.
#colors = ['r','g','b','k', 'y']
colors = "bgrcmyk"
## Greyscale
#shade_count = 10
#colors = map(str, [0.5 + x / (2. * shade_count) for x in range(1, shade_count+1)])

### Math helpers ##

def product(xs):
s = 1.
for x in xs:
s *= x
return s

def normalize(x):
"""Normalizes a numpy array by dividing by the sum."""
s = float(numpy.sum(x))
return x / s

def shannon_entropy(p):
s = 0.
for i in range(len(p)):
s += p[i] * math.log(p[i])
except ValueError:
return -1.*s

def uniform_mutation_matrix(n, ep):
return (1. - ep) * numpy.eye(n) + ep / (n - 1.) * (numpy.ones(n) - numpy.eye(n))

### Information Divergences ##

def kl_divergence(p, q):
s = 0.
for i in range(len(p)):
t = p[i] * math.log(p[i] / q[i])
s += t
except ValueError:
return s

def q_divergence(q):
"""Returns the divergence function corresponding to the parameter value q."""
if q == 0:
def d(x, y):
return 0.5 *,(x-y))
return d
if q == 1:
return kl_divergence
if q == 2:
def d(x,y):
s = 0.
for i in range(len(x)):
s += math.log(x[i] / y[i]) + 1 - x[i] / y[i]
return -s
return d
q = float(q)
def d(x, y):
s = 0.
for i in range(len(x)):
s += (math.pow(y[i], 2 - q) - math.pow(x[i], 2 - q)) / (2 - q)
s -= math.pow(y[i], 1 - q) * (y[i] - x[i])
s = -s / (1 - q)
return s
return d

### Escorts ###

"""Gives Shahshahani metric and KL-divergence."""
return x

def twisted_escort(x):
l = list(x)
return numpy.array([l[1],l[2],l[0]])

## Just use power escort with p = 0
#def projection_escort(x):
#return numpy.ones(len(x))

def power_escort(q):
"""Returns an escort function for the power q."""
def g(x):
y = []
for i in range(len(x)):
y.append(math.pow(x[i], q))
return numpy.array(y)
return g

def exponential_escort(x):
return numpy.exp(x)

### Metrics ##

# Can also use metric_from_escort to get the Euclidean metric.
def euclidean_metric(n=3):
I = numpy.identity(3)
def G(x):
return I
return G

def metric_from_escort(escort):
def G(x):
#return numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.diag(escort(x)))
return numpy.diag(1./ escort(x))
return G

def shahshahani_metric():
return metric_from_escort(DEFAULT_ESCORT)

DEFAULT_METRIC = shahshahani_metric()

### Incentives ##

def rock_scissors_paper(a=1, b=1):
return [[0,-b,a], [a, 0, -b], [-b, a, 0]]

def linear_fitness(m):
"""f(x) = mx for a matrix m."""
m = numpy.array(m)
def f(x):
return, x)
return f

def replicator_incentive(fitness):
def g(x):
return x * fitness(x)
return g

return replicator_incentive(f)

def replicator_incentive_power(fitness, q):
def g(x):
y = []
for i in range(len(x)):
y.append(math.pow(x[i], q))
y = numpy.array(y)
return y * fitness(x)
return g

def best_reply_incentive(fitness):
"""Compute best reply to fitness landscape at state."""
def g(state):
f = fitness(state)
dim = state.size
except AttributeError:
state = numpy.array(state)
dim = state.size
replies = []
for i in range(dim):
x = numpy.zeros(dim)
x[i] = 1
replies.append(, f))
replies = numpy.array(replies)
i = numpy.argmax(replies)
x = numpy.zeros(dim)
x[i] = 1
return x
return g

def logit_incentive(fitness, eta):
def f(x):
return normalize(numpy.exp(fitness(x) / eta))
return f

### Simulation ###

# Functions to check exit conditions.
def is_uniform(x, epsilon=0.001):
"""Determine if the vector is uniform within epsilon tolerance. Useful to stop a simulation if the fitness landscape has become essentially uniform."""
x_0 = x[0]
for i in range(1, len(x)):
if abs(x[i] - x_0) > epsilon:
return False
return True

def is_in_simplex(x):
"""Checks if a distribution has exited the simplex."""
stop = True
for j in range(x.size):
#print x[j]
if x[j] < 0:
stop = False
return stop

### Generators for time-scales. ##

def constant_generator(h):
while True:
yield h

def fictitious_play_generator(h):
i = 1
while True:
yield float(h) / (i + 1)
i += 1

## Functions to actually compute trajectories

def dynamics(state, incentive=None, G=None, h=1.0, mu=None):
"""Compute the next iteration of the dynamic."""
if not incentive:
if not G:
G = shahshahani_metric()
if mu is None:
mu = numpy.eye(len(state))
ones = numpy.ones(len(state))
g =, ones)
i = incentive(state)
next_state = state + h * (, mu) - g /, ones) * numpy.sum(i))
return next_state

def compute_trajectory(initial_state, incentive, iterations=2000, h=1/200., G=None, escort=None, exit_on_uniform=True, verbose=False, fitness=None, project=False, mu=None):
"""Computes a trajectory of a dynamic until convergence or other exit condition is reached."""
# Check if the time-scale is constant or not, and if it is, make it into a generator.
if not inspect.isgenerator(h):
h_gen = constant_generator(h)
h_gen = h
# If an escort is given, translate to a metric.
if escort:
if G:
warnings.warn("Both an escort and a metric were supplied to the simulation. Proceeding with the metric only.""")
G = metric_from_escort(escort)
# Make sure we are starting in the simplex.
x = normalize(initial_state)
t = []
for j, h in enumerate(h_gen):
# Record each point for later analysis.
if verbose:
if fitness:
print j, x, incentive(x), fitness(x)
print j, x, incentive(x)
## Exit conditions.
# Is the landscape uniform, indicating convergence?
if exit_on_uniform:
if fitness:
if is_uniform(fitness(x)):
if is_uniform(incentive(x)):
# Are we out of the simplex?
if not is_in_simplex(x):
if j >= iterations:
## End Exit Conditions.
# Iterate the dynamic.
x = dynamics(x, incentive=incentive, G=G, h=h, mu=mu)
# Check to make sure that the distribution has not left the simplex due to round-off.
# May conflict with out of simplex exit condition, but is useful for non-forward-invariant dynamics (such as projection dynamics). Note that this is very similar to Sandholm's projection and may be better handled that way.
if project:
for i in range(len(x)):
x[i] = max(0, x[i])
#Re-normalize in case any values were rounded to 0.
x = normalize(x)
return t

def two_population_trajectory(params, iterations=2000, exit_on_uniform=True, verbose=False):
"""Multipopulation trajectory -- each population has its own incentive, metric, and time-scale. This function only accepts metrics G and generators for h."""
t = [tuple(normalize(p[0]) for p in params)]
for j in range(iterations):
current_state = t[-1]
h = [p[2].next() for p in params]
i = params[0][1](current_state[1])
G = params[0][-1]
ones = numpy.ones(len(current_state[0]))
g =[0])), ones)
#print i, g, h[0]
x = current_state[0] + h[0] * (i - g /, ones) * numpy.sum(i))
i = params[1][1](current_state[0])
G = params[1][-1]
ones = numpy.ones(len(current_state[1]))
g =[1])), ones)
y = current_state[1] + h[1] * (i - g /, ones) * numpy.sum(i))

for i in range(len(x)):
x[i] = max(0, x[i])
for i in range(len(y)):
y[i] = max(0, y[i])
x = normalize(x)
y = normalize(y)
t.append((x, y))
if verbose:
print x, y
return t

### Analysis ##

def relative_prediction_power(new, old):
return product(new) / product(old)

def compute_iss_diff(e, x, incentive):
"""Computes the difference of the LHS and RHS of the ISS condition."""
i = incentive(x)
s = numpy.sum(incentive(x))
lhs = sum(e[j] / x[j] * i[j] for j in range(x.size))
return lhs - s

def eiss_diff_func(e, incentive, escort=None):
if not escort:
def f(x):
es = escort(x)
inc = incentive(x)
s = sum((e[i] - x[i])*inc[i] / es[i] for i in range(len(x)))
return s
return f

def G_iss_diff_func(e, incentive, G=None):
if not G:
def f(x):
g = G(x)
inc = incentive(x)
return - x),, incentive(x)))
return f

### Examples and Tests ##

def divergence_test(a=0, b=4, steps=100):
"""Compare the q-divergences for various values to illustrate that q_1-div > q_2-div if q_1 > q_2."""
points = []
x = numpy.array([1./3, 1./3, 1./3])
y = numpy.array([1./2, 1./4, 1./4])
d = float(b - a) / steps
for i in range(0, steps):
q = a + i * d
div = q_divergence(q)
points.append((q, div(x, y)))
pyplot.plot([x for (x,y) in points], [y for (x,y) in points])

def basic_example():
# Projection dynamic.
initial_state = normalize(numpy.array([1,1,4]))
m = rock_scissors_paper(a=1., b=-2.)
fitness = linear_fitness(m)
incentive = replicator_incentive_power(fitness, 0)
mu = uniform_mutation_matrix(3, ep=0.2)
t = compute_trajectory(initial_state, incentive, escort=power_escort(0), iterations=10000, verbose=True, mu=mu)
ternary.plot(t, linewidth=2)

## Lyapunov Quantities
# Replicator Lyapunov
e = normalize(numpy.array([1,1,1]))
v = [kl_divergence(e, x) for x in t]
pyplot.plot(range(len(t)), v, color='b')
d = q_divergence(0)
v = [d(e, x) for x in t]
pyplot.plot(range(len(t)), v, color='r')

## Some example code that may be useful for best reply...
# Traditional best reply Lyapunov
#v = [numpy.max(fitness(x)) -, fitness(x)) for x in t]
#pyplot.plot(range(len(t)), v, color='b')

#def metric(x):
#x_1, x_2, x_3 = x[0], x[1], x[2]
#return numpy.array([[1., 1./x_2, 0], [0, 1./x_2, 1.], [1., 0, 1./x_3]])
#t = compute_trajectory(initial_state, incentive, G=metric)

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ternary/
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from plotting import *
Binary file added ternary/__init__.pyc
Binary file not shown.

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