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Remove annotation from ValVariable. Add: varName, genVar functions.
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varName should be used instead of pattern-matching to extract the name of an
ExpValue variable. This is because it will first return the uniqueName if the
variable has one. This is better for doing analysis; otherwise you must rewrite
all of the ValVariables with the uniqueName before applying any analyses.

genVar is a helper function to generate a new ExpValue variable with
annotation, source span and uniqueName == source name.
  • Loading branch information
mrd committed Jun 2, 2016
1 parent 5165cc8 commit c3eea28
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Showing 18 changed files with 111 additions and 117 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/Fortran/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ data Value a =
| ValComplex (Expression a) (Expression a)
| ValString String
| ValHollerith String
| ValVariable a Name
| ValVariable Name
| ValLogical String
| ValOperator String
| ValAssignment
Expand Down
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/Fortran/Analysis.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- |
-- Common data structures and functions supporting analysis of the AST.
module Language.Fortran.Analysis
( initAnalysis, stripAnalysis, Analysis(..), Env
( initAnalysis, stripAnalysis, Analysis(..), Env, varName, genVar
, lhsExprs, isLExpr, allVars, allLhsVars, blockVarUses, blockVarDefs
, BB, BBGr )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,14 @@ analysis0 a = Analysis { prevAnnotation = a
, insLabel = Nothing
, moduleEnv = Nothing }

-- | Obtain either uniqueName or source name from an ExpValue variable.
varName (ExpValue (Analysis { uniqueName = Just n }) _ (ValVariable {})) = n
varName (ExpValue (Analysis { uniqueName = Nothing }) _ (ValVariable n)) = n
varName _ = error "Use of varName on non-variable."

-- | Generate an ExpValue variable with its source name == to its uniqueName.
genVar a s n = ExpValue (a { uniqueName = Just n }) s (ValVariable n)

-- | Create analysis annotations for the program, saving the original
-- annotations.
initAnalysis :: ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile (Analysis a)
Expand All @@ -74,22 +82,22 @@ lhsExprs x = [ e | StExpressionAssign _ _ e _ <- universeBi x

-- | Is this an expression capable of assignment?
isLExpr :: Expression a -> Bool
isLExpr (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ _)) = True
isLExpr (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) = True
isLExpr (ExpSubscript _ _ _ _) = True
isLExpr _ = False

-- | Set of names found in an AST node.
allVars :: (Data a, Data (b a)) => b a -> [Name]
allVars b = [ v | ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ v) <- uniBi b ]
allVars b = [ v | ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable v) <- uniBi b ]
uniBi :: (Data a, Data (b a)) => b a -> [Expression a]
uniBi = universeBi

-- | Set of names found in the parts of an AST that are the target of
-- an assignment statement.
allLhsVars :: (Data a, Data (b a)) => b a -> [Name]
allLhsVars b = [ v | ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ v) <- lhsExprs b ] ++
[ v | ExpSubscript _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ v)) _ <- lhsExprs b ]
allLhsVars :: (Data a, Data (b (Analysis a))) => b (Analysis a) -> [Name]
allLhsVars b = [ varName v | v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) <- lhsExprs b ] ++
[ varName v | ExpSubscript _ _ v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) _ <- lhsExprs b ]

-- | Set of names used -- not defined -- by an AST-block.
blockVarUses :: Data a => Block a -> [Name]
Expand All @@ -105,7 +113,7 @@ blockVarUses (BlIf _ _ e1 e2 _) = allVars (e1, e2)
blockVarUses b = allVars b

-- | Set of names defined by an AST-block.
blockVarDefs :: Data a => Block a -> [Name]
blockVarDefs :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name]
blockVarDefs (BlStatement _ _ _ st) = allLhsVars st
blockVarDefs (BlDo _ _ _ (Just doSpec) _) = allLhsVars doSpec
blockVarDefs _ = []
Expand Down
45 changes: 24 additions & 21 deletions src/Language/Fortran/Analysis/BBlocks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ insEntryEdges pu = insEdge (0, 1, ()) . insNode (0, bs)
genInOutAssignments pu exit
-- for now, designate return-value slot as a "ValVariable" without type-checking.
| exit, PUFunction _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ <- pu =
zipWith genAssign (ExpValue a undefined (ValVariable a n):vs) [0..]
zipWith genAssign (genVar a noSrcSpan n:vs) [0..]
| otherwise = zipWith genAssign vs [1..]
puName = getName pu
Expand All @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ genInOutAssignments pu exit
(vl, vr) = if exit then (v', v) else (v, v')
v' = case v of
ExpValue a' s (ValVariable a _) -> ExpValue a' s (ValVariable a (name i))
ExpValue a' s (ValVariable _) -> genVar a' s (name i)
_ -> error $ "unhandled genAssign case: " ++ show (fmap (const ()) v)

-- Remove exit edges for bblocks where standard construction doesn't apply.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ execBBlocker = flip execState bbs0

-- Handle a list of blocks (typically from ProgramUnit or nested inside a BlDo, BlIf, etc).
processBlocks :: Data a => [Block a] -> BBlocker a (Node, Node)
processBlocks :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Node, Node)
-- precondition: curNode is not yet in the graph && will label the first block
-- postcondition: final bblock is in the graph labeled as endN && curNode == endN
-- returns start and end nodes for basic block graph corresponding to parameter bs
Expand All @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ processBlocks bs = do

-- Handle an AST-block element
perBlock :: Data a => Block a -> BBlocker a ()
perBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
-- invariant: curNode corresponds to curBB, and is not yet in the graph
-- invariant: curBB is in reverse order
perBlock b@(BlIf _ _ _ exps bss) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,17 +245,17 @@ perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StReturn {})) =
processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoUnconditional {})) =
processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement a s l (StCall a' s' cn@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ n)) (Just aargs))) = do
perBlock b@(BlStatement a s l (StCall a' s' cn@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) (Just aargs))) = do
let exps = map extractExp . aStrip $ aargs
(prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock

-- create bblock that assigns formal parameters (n[1], n[2], ...)
case l of
Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) -> insertLabel l formalN -- label goes here, if present
_ -> return ()
let name i = n ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable a' _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable a' (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable a (name i))
let name i = varName cn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
where a = getAnnotation e; s = getSpan e
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) -> do
e' <- processFunctionCalls e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ perBlock b = do
-- helper monadic combinators

-- Do-block helper
perDoBlock :: Data a => Maybe (Expression a) -> Block a -> [Block a] -> BBlocker a ()
perDoBlock :: Data a => Maybe (Expression (Analysis a)) -> Block (Analysis a) -> [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
perDoBlock repeatExpr b bs = do
(n, doN) <- closeBBlock
case getLabel b of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,28 +363,28 @@ stripNestedBlocks b = b
-- Flatten out function calls within the expression, returning an
-- expression that replaces the original expression (probably becoming
-- a temporary variable).
processFunctionCalls :: Data a => Expression a -> BBlocker a (Expression a)
processFunctionCalls :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
processFunctionCalls = transformBiM processFunctionCall -- work bottom-up

-- Flatten out a single function call.
processFunctionCall :: Expression a -> BBlocker a (Expression a)
processFunctionCall :: Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
-- precondition: there are no more nested function calls within the actual arguments
processFunctionCall (ExpFunctionCall a s (ExpValue a' s' (ValVariable _ fn)) aargs) = do
processFunctionCall (ExpFunctionCall a s fn@(ExpValue a' s' (ValVariable _)) aargs) = do
(prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock

let exps = map extractExp (fromMaybe [] (aStrip <$> aargs))

-- create bblock that assigns formal parameters (fn[1], fn[2], ...)
let name i = fn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable a' _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable a' (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable a (name i))
let name i = varName fn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
where a = getAnnotation e; s = getSpan e
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) -> do
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' (formal e i) e)
(_, dummyCallN) <- closeBBlock

-- create "dummy call" bblock with no parameters in the StCall AST-node.
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' (ExpValue a' s' (ValVariable a' fn)) Nothing)
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' (genVar a' s' (varName fn)) Nothing)
(_, returnedN) <- closeBBlock

-- re-assign the variables using the values of the formal parameters, if possible
Expand All @@ -394,9 +394,9 @@ processFunctionCall (ExpFunctionCall a s (ExpValue a' s' (ValVariable _ fn)) aar
if isLExpr e then
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' e (formal e i))
else return ()
temp <- (ExpValue a s . ValVariable a) `fmap` genTemp fn
temp <- (ExpValue a s . ValVariable) `fmap` genTemp (varName fn)
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing
(StExpressionAssign a' s' temp (ExpValue a s (ValVariable a (name 0))))
(StExpressionAssign a' s' temp (ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name 0))))
(_, nextN) <- closeBBlock

-- connect the bblocks
Expand All @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ superBBGrGraph = graph
superBBGrClusters :: SuperBBGr a -> IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName
superBBGrClusters = clusters

genSuperBBGr :: BBlockMap a -> SuperBBGr a
genSuperBBGr :: BBlockMap (Analysis a) -> SuperBBGr (Analysis a)
genSuperBBGr bbm = SuperBBGr { graph = superGraph'', clusters = cmap }
-- [((PUName, Node), [Block a])]
Expand All @@ -441,7 +441,8 @@ genSuperBBGr bbm = SuperBBGr { graph = superGraph'', clusters = cmap }
exitMap = M.fromList [ (name, n') | ((name, n), n') <- M.toList superNodeMap, n == -1 ]
-- [(SuperNode, String)]
stCalls = [ (getSuperNode n, sub) | (n, [BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ e Nothing)]) <- namedNodes
, ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ sub) <- [e] ]
, v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) <- [e]
, let sub = varName v ]
-- [([SuperEdge], SuperNode, String, [SuperEdge])]
stCallCtxts = [ (inn superGraph n, n, sub, out superGraph n) | (n, sub) <- stCalls ]
-- [SuperEdge]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,7 +574,7 @@ showAttr (AttrTarget _ _) = "target"
showLab Nothing = replicate 6 ' '
showLab (Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l))) = ' ':l ++ replicate (5 - length l) ' '

showValue (ValVariable _ v) = v
showValue (ValVariable v) = v
showValue (ValInteger v) = v
showValue (ValReal v) = v
showValue (ValComplex e1 e2) = "( " ++ showExpr e1 ++ " , " ++ showExpr e2 ++ " )"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,6 +625,8 @@ showDim (DimensionDeclarator _ _ me1 me2) = maybe "" ((++":") . showExpr) me1 ++

aIntercalate sep f = intercalate sep . map f . aStrip

noSrcSpan = error "noSrcSpan"

-- Some helper functions that really should be in fgl.

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Language/Fortran/Analysis/DataFlow.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ genDefMap bm = M.fromListWith IS.union [
-- Muchnick, p. 445: A variable is "live" at a particular program
-- point if there is a path to the exit along which its value may be
-- used before it is redefined. It is "dead" if there is no such path.
liveVariableAnalysis :: Data a => BBGr a -> InOutMap (S.Set Name)
liveVariableAnalysis :: Data a => BBGr (Analysis a) -> InOutMap (S.Set Name)
liveVariableAnalysis gr = dataFlowSolver gr (const (S.empty, S.empty)) revPreOrder inn out
inn outF b = (outF b S.\\ kill b) `S.union` gen b
Expand All @@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ liveVariableAnalysis gr = dataFlowSolver gr (const (S.empty, S.empty)) revPreOrd
gen b = bblockGen (fromJust $ lab gr b)

-- | Iterate "KILL" set through a single basic block.
bblockKill :: Data a => [Block a] -> S.Set Name
bblockKill :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> S.Set Name
bblockKill = S.fromList . concatMap blockKill

-- | Iterate "GEN" set through a single basic block.
bblockGen :: Data a => [Block a] -> S.Set Name
bblockGen :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> S.Set Name
bblockGen bs = S.fromList . fst . foldl' f ([], []) $ zip (map blockGen bs) (map blockKill bs)
f (bbgen, bbkill) (gen, kill) = ((gen \\ bbkill) `union` bbgen, kill `union` bbkill)

-- | "KILL" set for a single AST-block.
blockKill :: Data a => Block a -> [Name]
blockKill :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name]
blockKill = blockVarDefs

-- | "GEN" set for a single AST-block.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ rdBblockGenKill dm bs = foldl' f (IS.empty, IS.empty) $ zip (map gen bs) (map ki
((bbgen IS.\\ kill) `IS.union` gen, (bbkill IS.\\ gen) `IS.union` kill)

-- Set of all AST-block labels that also define variables defined by AST-block b
rdDefs :: Data a => DefMap -> Block a -> IS.IntSet
rdDefs :: Data a => DefMap -> Block (Analysis a) -> IS.IntSet
rdDefs dm b = IS.unions [ IS.empty `fromMaybe` M.lookup y dm | y <- allLhsVars b ]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ type InductionVarMap = IM.IntMap (S.Set Name)
-- | Basic induction variables are induction variables that are the
-- most easily derived from the syntactic structure of the program:
-- for example, directly appearing in a Do-statement.
basicInductionVars :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr a -> InductionVarMap
basicInductionVars :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InductionVarMap
basicInductionVars bedges gr = IM.fromListWith S.union [
(n, S.singleton v) | (_, n) <- IM.toList bedges
, let Just bs = lab gr n
Expand All @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ basicInductionVars bedges gr = IM.fromListWith S.union [
-- | For each loop in the program, figure out the names of the
-- induction variables: the variables that are used to represent the
-- current iteration of the loop.
genInductionVarMap :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr a -> InductionVarMap
genInductionVarMap :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InductionVarMap
genInductionVarMap = basicInductionVars

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ showDataFlow pf@(ProgramFile cm_pus _) = (perPU . snd) =<< cm_pus
type CallMap = M.Map ProgramUnitName (S.Set Name)

-- | Create a call map showing the structure of the program.
genCallMap :: Data a => ProgramFile a -> CallMap
genCallMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> CallMap
genCallMap pf = flip execState M.empty $ do
let (ProgramFile cm_pus _) = pf
forM_ cm_pus $ \ (_, pu) -> do
Expand All @@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ genCallMap pf = flip execState M.empty $ do
let uE :: Data a => ProgramUnit a -> [Expression a]
uE = universeBi
m <- get
let ns = [ n' | StCall _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ n')) _ <- uS pu ] ++
[ n' | ExpFunctionCall _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ n')) _ <- uE pu ]
let ns = [ varName v | StCall _ _ v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ )) _ <- uS pu ] ++
[ varName v | ExpFunctionCall _ _ v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) _ <- uE pu ]
put $ M.insert n (S.fromList ns) m

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Language/Fortran/Analysis/Renaming.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ rename pf = (extractNameMap pf, trPU fPU (trE fE pf))
trE :: Data a => (Expression a -> Expression a) -> ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile a
trE = transformBi
fE :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> Expression (Analysis a)
fE (ExpValue a s (ValVariable a' v)) = ExpValue a s . ValVariable a' $ fromMaybe v (uniqueName a)
fE (ExpValue a s (ValVariable v)) = ExpValue a s . ValVariable $ fromMaybe v (uniqueName a)
fE x = x

trPU :: Data a => (ProgramUnit a -> ProgramUnit a) -> ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile a
Expand All @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ rename pf = (extractNameMap pf, trPU fPU (trE fE pf))
extractNameMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> NameMap
extractNameMap pf = eMap `union` puMap
eMap = fromList [ (un, n) | ExpValue (Analysis { uniqueName = Just un }) _ (ValVariable _ n) <- uniE pf ]
eMap = fromList [ (un, n) | ExpValue (Analysis { uniqueName = Just un }) _ (ValVariable n) <- uniE pf ]
puMap = fromList [ (un, n) | PUFunction (Analysis { uniqueName = Just un }) _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ <- uniPU pf ]

uniE :: Data a => ProgramFile a -> [Expression a]
Expand All @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ unrename (nm, pf) = trPU fPU . trV fV $ pf
trV :: Data a => (Value a -> Value a) -> ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile a
trV = transformBi
fV :: Data a => Value a -> Value a
fV (ValVariable a v) = ValVariable a $ fromMaybe v (v `lookup` nm)
fV (ValVariable v) = ValVariable $ fromMaybe v (v `lookup` nm)
fV x = x

trPU :: Data a => (ProgramUnit a -> ProgramUnit a) -> ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ uniquify scope var = do
isModule (PUModule {}) = True
isModule _ = False

isUseStatement (BlStatement _ _ _ (StUse _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ _)) _)) = True
isUseStatement _ = False
isUseStatement (BlStatement _ _ _ (StUse _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) _)) = True
isUseStatement _ = False

-- Generate an initial environment for a scope based upon any Use
-- statements in the blocks.
Expand All @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ initialEnv blocks = do
-- program).
let uses = takeWhile isUseStatement blocks
fmap M.unions . forM uses $ \ use -> case use of
(BlStatement _ _ _ (StUse _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ m)) Nothing)) -> do
(BlStatement _ _ _ (StUse _ _ (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable m)) Nothing)) -> do
mMap <- gets moduleMap
return $ fromMaybe empty (Named m `lookup` mMap)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ renameGenericDecls = trans renameExpDecl
-- declaration that possibly requires the creation of a new unique
-- mapping.
renameExpDecl :: Data a => RenamerFunc (Expression (Analysis a))
renameExpDecl e@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ v)) = flip setUniqueName e `fmap` maybeAddUnique v
renameExpDecl e = return e
renameExpDecl e@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable v)) = flip setUniqueName e `fmap` maybeAddUnique v
renameExpDecl e = return e

-- Find all declarators within a value and then dive within those
-- declarators to rename any ExpValue variables, assuming they might
Expand All @@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ renameDeclDecls = trans declarator
-- Rename an ExpValue variable, assuming that it is to be treated as a
-- reference to a previous declaration, possibly in an outer scope.
renameExp :: Data a => RenamerFunc (Expression (Analysis a))
renameExp e@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _ v)) = maybe e (flip setUniqueName e) `fmap` getFromEnvs v
renameExp e = return e
renameExp e@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable v)) = maybe e (flip setUniqueName e) `fmap` getFromEnvs v
renameExp e = return e

-- Rename all ExpValue variables found within the block, assuming that
-- they are to be treated as references to previous declarations,
Expand Down

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