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Final visualization for CS 5720 (Scientific Computing with Visualization).

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Final visualization for CS 5720 (Scientific Computing with Visualization).



This project was heavily influenced by the excellent visualization work of Utku Ozbulak, in particular, his pytorch-cnn-visualizations code repository.


The goal of this visualization is to help de-mistify the inner workings of a Convolutional Neural Network. By visualizing attributes such as the gradient of the error function, and the activation thresholds for decision units, it becomes easier to understand the internal mechanics of such classification models.

Sample Images:

The proceeding table shows the results of a sample image (column one) being input through the Convolutional Neural Network Alexnet which has ben pre-trained on the ImageNet1000 Database. Sample images have been resized to 224 x 224 pixels with three color channels (RGB) . Each channel has been normalized by subtracting the mean of the channel and dividing by its standard deviation. This is done for a variety of reasons, one such reason is that normalization ensures the optimzation algorithm will treat the input parameters (pixels) with equal importance. Without this step, an image with extreeme pixel intensities (i.e. day vs night) will be the focus of the optimization process. We don't want the learned feature detectors to focus primarily on detecting the presence of extreemly dark or light pixels, we want them to learn to detect patterns of the pixels themselves, not just their relative intensities.

Colored Vanilla Backpropagation:

The images in column two are a colored interpretation of the gradients of the neural network.

The process to produce this image is roughly as follows:

  1. Instantiate a pre-trained Alexnet classifier.
  2. Feed the input image (column one) through the neural network in a forward pass.
    1. The input image must be one of the thousand different classes comprising ImageNet1000.
  3. Perform backpropagation, thereby computing the gradients (change in the activation function with respect to the network's weights).
  4. Display the gradient of the first layer of the network as an RGB image.
    1. The first layer is chosen because after backpropagation this layer houses the feature detectors most relatable to the original input space.

The colored images can be interpreted as follows:

  • A grey color indicates that the input pixel did not impact the activation in a large manner.
  • A bright color indicates that the input pixel did impact the activation in a significant way.

If the activation function is impacted significantly the gradient will appear to have more extreeme coloration. In this way we can see what parts of the image play the most significant role in the networks interpretation of the input image.

Vanilla Backpropagation Saliency:

Gradient Visualization:

Original Image (Preprocessed): Colored Vanilla Backpropagation: Vanilla Backpropagation Saliency: Feature Detector Evolution:
Target Class (211) [Vizsla, Hungarian Pointer]:
Target Class (56) [King Snake]:
Target Class (243) [Mastiff]:
Target Class (281) [Tabby Cat]:


Final visualization for CS 5720 (Scientific Computing with Visualization).






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