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File metadata and controls

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The subversion module provides a subversion class and a working_copy definition. It has only been tested on Debian Etch.

subversion (class)

Installs the subversion package. On Debian systems and its derivats the subversion-tools package is installed as well.


node svn.example.internal {
  include subversion
subversion::xmlstarlet (class)
Installs the xmlstarlet package, which is required for the working_copy definition.
subversion::working_copy (definition)

Checks out a copy of the named subversion project into the specified directory. Keeps the working copy in sync with the repository. The URL that is used to check out the working copy is constructed from the provided parameters like so: svn+ssh://$repo_base/$name/trunk or, if a branch is specified, svn+ssh://$repo_base/$name/branches/$branch. This definition automatically includes the subversion class.

  • $name: The name of the subversion project. This will be used to construct the URL used to check out the project.
  • $repo_base: The base of the URL of the subversion repository. For example, if the subversion repository was located in /repository on the host you would set $repo_base to This will be used to construct the URL used to check out the project.
  • $path: The desired location of the working copy.
  • $branch: (default: "trunk") The name of the branch you would like to check out. This will be used to construct the URL used to check out the project.
  • $svn_ssh: (default: "false") If set, this will be used as the value of the SVN_SSH environment variable while running Subversion commands.
  • $owner: (default: "root") The owner of the working copy.
  • $group: (default: "root") The group of the working copy.


subversion::working_copy {
    path => "/home/search/search",
    owner => "search",
    group => "search",
    repo_base => "svn.example.internal/repository",
    svn_ssh => "ssh -i /root/.ssh/puppet.rsa.key",
    require => User["search"];
subversion::svnrepo (definition)

Creates a subversion repository. It automatically includes the subversion class.

  • $name: The name of the subversion repository. This will be used as the directory name.
  • $ensure: 'present' creates the new repository, 'absent' deletes the repository including all the data it contains!
  • $path: The path of the parent directory of the subversion repository Default is set to: /srv/svn/ (which is not created automatically)
  • $owner: The owner of the repository. Default uses puppet defaults.
  • $group: The group of the repository. Default uses puppet defaults.
  • $mode: The mode of the repository directory. Default uses puppet defaults.


subversion::svnrepo{'puppet-modules': }
subversion::svnserve (definition)

Serve subversion-based code from a local location. The job of this module is to check the data out from subversion and keep it up to date, especially useful for providing data to your Puppet server.

  • $source: From where to check the repository out
  • $path: Where to place the checked out repository
  • $user: User which might be used to access the repository. Default is set to false, which means that no user will be used.
  • $password: The password for the above user. Default to false.


subversion::svnserve{ dist:
    source => "",
    path => "/dist",
    user => "puppet",
    password => "mypassword"