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luarocks.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to streamline the installation of LuaRocks packages directly within Neovim. It simplifies the process of managing Lua dependencies, ensuring a hassle-free experience for Neovim users.



  • An up-to-date Neovim nightly (>= 0.10) installation.
  • python3 on system path (not required to be integrated into neovim, only on PATH)


Lazy.nvim Integration

For users employing the Lazy.nvim plugin manager, effortlessly integrate luarocks.nvim into your configuration by adding the following lines:

  dependencies = {
    "rcarriga/nvim-notify", -- Optional dependency
  opts = {
    rocks = { "fzy" } -- Specify LuaRocks packages to install

This snippet not only installs the luarocks.nvim plugin but also provides an option to include additional LuaRocks packages. The "fzy" package is specified as an example.

Other Plugin Managers

For users utilizing other plugin managers, manual setup is required. Use the following code to initialize luarocks.nvim:

require("luarocks").setup({ rocks = { "fzy" } })

Adjust the rocks array to include the names of the LuaRocks packages you want to install.

Optional Dependencies

If you want nicer notifications during installation, add rcarriga/nvim-notify as a dependency:

  dependencies = {
    "rcarriga/nvim-notify", -- Optional dependency
  opts = {
    rocks = { "fzy" } -- Specify LuaRocks packages to install

Build Process

The luarocks.nvim plugin includes a build process to ensure proper functionality. The build process involves the following steps:

  1. Checking Python3 Existence: Ensures the presence of the external 'python3' command.

  2. Creating Python3 Virtual Environment: Establishes a Python3 virtual environment for the plugin.

  3. Installing hererocks: Installs the hererocks tool. Used for installing Luarocks.

  4. Installing LuaJIT: Installs LuaJIT, with additional configuration for macOS.

Manual Build Trigger

You can manually trigger the build process using the following command inside the plugin root:

nvim -l build.lua

Executing this command initiates the complete build process, ensuring that all dependencies are properly installed. This manual trigger can be useful in scenarios where you want to ensure a fresh installation or troubleshoot any issues related to the build process.

Please note that the build process is automatically invoked during the setup phase, so manual triggering may be unnecessary in most cases.


Easily install luarocks with lazy.nvim





