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Community Extension Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8


ℹ️ This project is no more maintained and you should start using the project provided as part of the Spring Zeebe project. If you want to use it outside of the Spring Zeebe client, you can directly use the java-operate-client.

This project is designed to simplify communication between a Java backend and the Operate API of Camunda Platform 8.

How to use the client

Simply build a CamundaOperateClient that takes an authentication and the Operate URL as parameters.

SimpleAuthentication sa = new SimpleAuthentication("demo", "demo", "http://localhost:8081");
CamundaOperateClient client = new CamundaOperateClient.Builder().operateUrl("http://localhost:8081").authentication(sa).build();


You can use the SimpleAuthentication to connect to a local Camunda Operate if your setup is "simple": without identity and keycloak.

To connect to the SaaS Operate, you need to use the SaasAuthentication rather than the SimpleAuthentication. The SaaSAuthentication requires the ClientId and SecretId

SaasAuthentication sa = new SaasAuthentication("2~nB1MwkUU45FuXXX", "aBRKtreXQF3uD2MYYY");
CamundaOperateClient client = new CamundaOperateClient.Builder().authentication(sa)

You can also specify the OAuth-URL and audience, for example if you connect to a Camunda TEST system:

SaasAuthentication sa = new SaasAuthentication("", "", 2~nB1MwkUU45FuXXX", "aBRKtreXQF3uD2MYYY");

To connect to the Local Operate with Identity & Keycloak, you need to use the SelfManagedAuthentication. The SelfManagedAuthentication requires the clientId and clientSecret. You can also change the Keycloak realm and the keycloakUrl depending on your installation.

SelfManagedAuthentication sma = new SelfManagedAuthentication().clientId("java").clientSecret("foTPogjlI0hidwbDZcYFWzmU8FOQwLx0").baseUrl("http://localhost:18080").keycloakRealm("camunda-platform");
CamundaOperateClient client = new CamundaOperateClient.Builder().authentication(sma)

Getting and Searching

When you search objects, you can get results as List or as SearchResult. The SearchResult gives you a sortValues that you can use to paginate your results :

SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(someFilter).sort(new Sort("name", SortOrder.ASC)).size(20).searchAfter(previousResult.getSortValues()).build();

Process definitions

//Get a process definition by its key
ProcessDefinition def = client.getProcessDefinition(1L);

//Search process definitions
ProcessDefinitionFilter processDefinitionFilter = new ProcessDefinitionFilter.Builder().name("Customer Onboarding").build();
SearchQuery procDefQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(processDefinitionFilter).size(20).sort(new Sort("version", SortOrder.ASC)).build();

List<ProcessDefinition> list = client.searchProcessDefinitions(procDefQuery);

SearchResult<ProcessDefinition> result = client.searchProcessDefinitionResults(procDefQuery);

Process Instances

//search process instances based on filters
ProcessInstanceFilter instanceFilter = new ProcessInstanceFilter.Builder().bpmnProcessId("customer_onboarding_en").startDate(new DateFilter(new Date(), DateFilterRange.MONTH)).build();
SearchQuery instanceQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(instanceFilter).size(20).sort(new Sort("state", SortOrder.ASC)).build();

List<ProcessInstance> list = client.searchProcessInstances(instanceQuery);

SearchResult<ProcessInstance> result = client.searchProcessInstanceResults(instanceQuery);
//get a process instance by its key
ProcessInstance instance = client.getProcessInstance(instances.get(0).getKey());

Flow Node Instances

//search flow node instances based on filters
FlownodeInstanceFilter flownodeFilter = new FlownodeInstanceFilter.Builder()
.processInstanceKey(4L).startDate(new DateFilter(new Date(), DateFilterRange.YEAR)).build();
SearchQuery flownodeQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(flownodeFilter).size(20).sort(new Sort("state", SortOrder.ASC)).build();

List<FlownodeInstance> flownodes = client.searchFlownodeInstances(flownodeQuery);
//get a flownode instance by its key
FlownodeInstance flownodes = client.getFlownodeInstance(flownodes.get(0).getKey());


//search variables based on filters
VariableFilter variableFilter = new VariableFilter.Builder().processInstanceKey(4L).build();
 SearchQuery varQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(variableFilter).size(5).sort(new Sort("name", SortOrder.ASC)).build();

List<Variable> variables = client.searchVariables(varQuery);
//get a variable by its key
Variable var = client.getVariable(variables.get(0).getKey());


//search incidents based on filters
IncidentFilter incidentFilter = new IncidentFilter.Builder().creationTime(new DateFilter(new Date(), DateFilterRange.YEAR)).build();
SearchQuery incidentQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(incidentFilter).size(20).sort(new Sort("state", SortOrder.ASC)).build();
List<Incident> incidents = client.searchIncidents(incidentQuery);
//get a incident by its key
Incident incident = client.getIncident(incidents.get(0).getKey());

Use the Beta client

If you're using an older version of Camunda SaaS or you're having a local setup without Keycloak, you could also query the same APIs as Operate UI. In such a case, you might want to use the Beta client :

SimpleAuthentication sa = new SimpleAuthentication("demo", "demo", "http://localhost:8081");
CamundaOperateClient client = new CamundaOperateClient.Builder().beta().operateUrl("http://localhost:8081").authentication(sa).build();

JsonNode json = ((CamundaOperateBetaClient) client).getFlowNodeStates(2L);
AuditTrail auditTrail = ((CamundaOperateBetaClient) client).getAuditTrail(2L);

Obviously, as soon as the exposed APIs will be sufficient, we should get rid of this Beta client.

use it in your project

You can import it to your maven or gradle project as a dependency



A similar library is available for the Tasklist API of Camunda Platform 8 here: camunda-tasklist-client-java