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Geovane Fedrecheski edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 6 revisions

Flashing the pulga via serial (usb)

Tutorial em português (vídeo): Como flashear a pulga pela serial (RIOT OS), ou Como flashear a pulga pela serial, usando a pulga bateria (RIOT OS).

Precondition: the Pulga has been previously flashed with the riotboot_serial bootloader using a J-Link cable (see the Flashing the pulga bootloader in the bottom).

  1. Hold the button SW1 in the Pulga board and connect the board using a serial adapter or a usb cable
  2. Go to your application's folder and run: make BOARD=pulga PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 PROGRAMMER=riotboot_serial flash

Expected outcome: your program is successfully uploaded to the Pulga board. For example:

$ make BOARD=pulga PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 PROGRAMMER=riotboot_serial flash
'riotboot_serial' programmer is not supported by this board. Supported programmers: 'bmp openocd jlink'
Building application "pulga-tracker-riot-demo" for "pulga" with MCU "nrf52".                 
"make" -C /home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/RIOT-pulga/pkg/minmea/
"make" -C /home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/RIOT-pulga/sys/ztimer
"make" -C /home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/pulga_tracker
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  87720     708   14208  102636   190ec /home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/bin/pulga/pulga-tracker-riot-demo.elf
/home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/RIOT-pulga/dist/tools/riotboot_serial/riotboot_serial /home/geovane/dev/stuff/explore-riot/pulga-tracker-riot/bin/pulga/pulga-tracker-riot-demo.hex /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
3585: adding offset: 10000
88428 byte firmware (0x2000 - 0x1796c)
connected. [|]
erasing pages 2 to 23
3585: adding offset: 10000

Flashing the pulga bootloader

Tutorial em português (vídeo): Como gravar o bootloader serial na pulga (RIOT OS).


  • must have a J-Link connector, such as the Segger J-Link EDU Mini V1.0
  • must have openocd installed
  1. Connect the J-Link and the serial/usb cable to the Pulga board
  2. Go to the RIOT folder and run: make BOARD=pulga PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 PROGRAMMER=openocd -C bootloaders/riotboot_serial flash
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