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trying to break up the functionality a bit
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justinbmeyer committed Nov 13, 2017
1 parent c679911 commit 2e90d05
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Showing 12 changed files with 696 additions and 545 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
289 changes: 52 additions & 237 deletions can-observe.js
@@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
var cid = require("can-cid");
var queues = require("can-queues");
var ObservationRecorder = require("can-observation-recorder");
var canSymbol = require("can-symbol");
var canReflect = require("can-reflect");
var namespace = require("can-namespace");
var diffArray = require("can-util/js/diff-array/diff-array");

var KeyTree = require("can-key-tree");

var observableSymbol = canSymbol.for("can.meta");
var patchesSymbol = canSymbol("patches");
var proxied = require("./src/-proxy-keys");
var makeProxiedMethods = require("./src/-proxy-methods");
var makeArray = require("./src/-array");
var makeObject = require("./src/-object");
var symbols = require("./src/-symbols");

var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// The interceptors map holds proxy intercept function wrappers for all functions that are ever observed
// in an observe Proxy.
var interceptors = new WeakMap();

// #### isIntegerIndex
// takes a string prop and returns whether it can be coerced into an integer with unary +
// -- adapted from can-define/list/list
function isIntegerIndex(prop) {
return prop && // empty string typecasts to 0
(+prop === +prop) && // NaN check for strings that don't represent numbers
(+prop % 1 === 0); // floats should be treated as strings

// #### shouldAddObservation
// #### shouldRecordObservation
// Decide whether a key/value/object group should add an Observation
// Observations are added for things that satisfy all of these conditions:
// - not _cid
Expand All @@ -32,15 +23,15 @@ function isIntegerIndex(prop) {
// - not an unknown property on a sealed object
// - not integer index on array if in an array mutator or comprehension
// (treat all sets on an array as a splice and use array patches instead)
function shouldAddObservation(key, value, target) {
function shouldRecordObservation(key, value, target) {
return key !== "_cid" &&
typeof value !== "function" &&
!canReflect.isSymbolLike(key) &&
(, key) || !Object.isSealed(target)) &&
(, key) || !Object.isSealed(target)) &&

// #### shouldObserveValue
// #### shouldMakeValueObservable
// Decide whether a value being read or written should be converted to its
// Proxied equivalent.
// Proxy when all of the following conditions are true:
Expand All @@ -49,189 +40,33 @@ function shouldAddObservation(key, value, target) {
// - for the write case, there is at least one listener for the property on the parent object
// (represented by the onlyIfHandlers flag)
// - for the read case, the previous stipulation does not apply; reads always return observed objects.
function shouldObserveValue(key, value, target, onlyIfHandlers) {
function shouldMakeValueObservable(key, value, target, onlyIfHandlers) {
return value && typeof value === "object" &&
!canReflect.isSymbolLike(key) &&
(!onlyIfHandlers || target[observableSymbol].handlers.getNode([key]));

// #### shouldDispatchEvents
// Decide whether listeners should be dispatched for the current key.
// Dispatch when all of the following conditions are true:
// - there has been a change (the value is different from the previous key value)
// - any of the following are true:
// - the parent object is not an Array
// - the key is not "length"
// - an array method (mutator or comprehension) is not currently executing
// (during e.g. map/filter or push, the length will be dispatched by the method interceptor)
function shouldDispatchEvents(key, value, target, change, isArray) {
return change && (key !== "length" || !isArray || !target[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod);
(!onlyIfHandlers || target[symbols.metaSymbol].handlers.getNode([key]));

// #### didLengthChangeCauseDeletions
// Decide whether a new length property on an object had side effects on other properties
// Deletions happened when all of the following conditions are true:
// - the parent object is an Array
// - the key being examined is "length"
// - the new value of length is strictly less than the old one.
// - an array method (mutator or comprehension) is not currently executing
// (during e.g. pop or splice, property removal events will be dispatched by the method interceptor)
function didLengthChangeCauseDeletions(key, value, target, old, isArray) {
return isArray && key === "length" && value < old && !target[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod;

// proxyOnly contains any prototype (i.e. shared) symbols and keys that should be available (gettable)
// from the proxy object, but not from the object under observation. For example, the onKeyValue and
// offKeyValue symbols below, if applied to the target object, would erroneously present that object
// as observable, when only the Proxy is.
var proxyOnly = Object.create(null);
canReflect.assignSymbols(proxyOnly, {
"can.onKeyValue": function(key, handler, queue) {
var handlers = this[observableSymbol].handlers;
handlers.add([key, queue || "notify", handler]);
"can.offKeyValue": function(key, handler, queue) {
var handlers = this[observableSymbol].handlers;
handlers.delete([key, queue || "notify", handler]);
"can.onPatches": function(handler, queue) {
var handlers = this[observableSymbol].handlers;
handlers.add([patchesSymbol, queue || "notify", handler]);
"can.offPatches": function(handler, queue) {
var handlers = this[observableSymbol].handlers;
handlers.delete([patchesSymbol, queue || "notify", handler]);
var dispatch = proxyOnly.dispatch = function(key, args) {
var handlers = this[observableSymbol].handlers;
var keyHandlers = handlers.getNode([key]);
if(keyHandlers) {
queues.enqueueByQueue(keyHandlers, this, args);

// Each of these methods below creates the appropriate arguments for dispatch of
// their respective event names.
var mutateMethods = {
"push": function(arr, args) {
return [{
index: arr.length - args.length,
deleteCount: 0,
insert: args
"pop": function(arr) {
return [{
index: arr.length,
deleteCount: 1,
insert: []
"shift": function() {
return [{
index: 0,
deleteCount: 1,
insert: []
"unshift": function(arr, args) {
return [{
index: 0,
deleteCount: 0,
insert: args
"splice": function(arr, args) {
return [{
index: args[0],
deleteCount: args[1],
insert: args.slice(2)
"sort": function(arr, args, old) {
return diffArray(old, arr);
"reverse": function(arr, args, old) {
return diffArray(old, arr);
var injectionOptions = {};

// #### make special interceptors for all Array mutation functions
Object.keys(mutateMethods).forEach(function(prop) {
var protoFn = Array.prototype[prop];
interceptors.set(protoFn, function() {
this[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod = true;
// stash the previous array contents. Use the native
// function instead of going through the proxy or target.
var old = [], 0);
// call the function -- note that *this* is the Proxy here, so
// accesses in the function still go through get() and set()
var ret = protoFn.apply(this, arguments);
var patches = mutateMethods[prop](this, Array.from(arguments), old);

// dispatch all the associated change events and length, "length", [this.length, old.length]);, patchesSymbol, [patches.concat([{property: "length", type: "set", value: this.length}])]);
this[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod = false;
return ret;
// #### make special interceptors for all non-mutating Array functions
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype).forEach(function(prop) {
if(mutateMethods[prop]) {
var observe = function(obj){ //jshint ignore:line
if(!obj) {
return obj;
var protoFn = Array.prototype[prop];
if(prop !== "constructor" && typeof protoFn === "function") {
interceptors.set(protoFn, function() {
ObservationRecorder.add(this, patchesSymbol);
this[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod = true;
var ret = protoFn.apply(this, arguments);
this[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod = false;
if(ret && typeof ret === "object") {
ret = observe(ret);
return ret;
// Calling observe() on a particular object will always return the same proxy.
if (obj[symbols.metaSymbol]) {
return obj[symbols.metaSymbol].proxy;

// #### proxyIntercept
// Generator for interceptors for any generic function that may return objects
function proxyIntercept(fn) {
return function() {
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
if(ret && typeof ret === "object") {
ret = observe(ret);
return ret;

var observe = function(obj){ //jshint ignore:line
// oberve proxies are meant to be singletons per-object.
// Or to put it another way, it would be very difficult to manage
// multiple observation proxies for one object. So calling observe()
// on a particular object will always return the same proxy.
if (obj[observableSymbol]) {
return obj[observableSymbol].proxy;
} else {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "_cid", {
value: cid({}),
enumerable: false
// Handle certain things about Arrays and subclasses of Arrays specially.
var isArray = obj instanceof Array;

var p = new Proxy(obj, {
get: function(target, key, receiver){
// The proxy only objects don't need any further processing.
if(proxyOnly[key]) {
return proxyOnly[key];
if(proxied.keys[key] !== undefined) {
return proxied.keys[key];
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
var value;
Expand All @@ -243,32 +78,27 @@ var observe = function(obj){ //jshint ignore:line
value = target[key];
// If the value for this key is an object and not already observable, make a proxy for it
if (shouldObserveValue(key, value, target)) {
if (shouldMakeValueObservable(key, value, target)) {
value = target[key] = observe(value);
// Intercept calls to Array mutation methods.
if (typeof value === "function") {
if(interceptors.has(value)) {
value = interceptors.get(value);
} else {
interceptors.set(value, value = proxyIntercept(value));
value = injectionOptions.proxiedMethods.get(value);
if (shouldAddObservation(key, value, target)) {
if (shouldRecordObservation(key, value, target)) {
ObservationRecorder.add(receiver, key.toString());
return value;
set: function(target, key, value, receiver){
var old, change;
var hadOwn =, key);
var integerIndex = isIntegerIndex(key);
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
// make a proxy for any non-observable objects being passed in as values
if (shouldObserveValue(key, value, target, true)) {
if (shouldMakeValueObservable(key, value, target, true)) {
value = observe(value);
} else if (value && value[observableSymbol]){
value = value[observableSymbol].proxy;
} else if (value && value[symbols.metaSymbol]){
value = value[symbols.metaSymbol].proxy;

// call the setter on the Proxy to properly do any side-effect sets (and run corresponding handlers)
Expand All @@ -281,71 +111,56 @@ var observe = function(obj){ //jshint ignore:line
change = old !== value;
if (change) {
target[key] = value;
if(shouldDispatchEvents(key, value, target, change, isArray)) {
var patches = [];, key, [value, old]);
if(!target[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod) {
patches.push({property: key, type: hadOwn ? "set" : "add", value: value});
if(isArray && integerIndex) {
// The set handler should not attempt to dispatch length patches stemming from array mutations because
// we cannot reliably detect a change to the length (it's already set to the new value on the target).
// Instead, the array method interceptor should handle it, since it has information about the previous
// state.
// The one possible exception to this is when an array index is *added* that changes the length.
if(!hadOwn && +key === target.length - 1) {
patches.push({property: "length", type: "set", value: target.length});
} else {
// In the case of setting an array index, dispatch a splice patch.
patches.push.apply(patches, mutateMethods.splice(obj, [+key, 1, value]));
if(isArray) {
injectionOptions.array.dispatchEvents(target, key, value, receiver, hadOwn, old);
} else {
injectionOptions.object.dispatchEvents(target, key, value, receiver, hadOwn, old);
// In the case of deleting items by setting the length of the array, fire "remove" patches.
// (deleting individual items from an array doesn't change the length; it just creates holes)
if(didLengthChangeCauseDeletions(key, value, target, old, isArray)) {
while(old-- > value) {
patches.push({property: old, type: "remove"});
if(patches.length) {, patchesSymbol, [patches]);

return true;
ownKeys: function(target) {
// Proxies should return the keys and symbols from proxyOnly
// as well as from the target, so operators like `in` and
// as well as from the target, so operators like `in` and
// functions like `hasOwnProperty` can be used to determine
// that the Proxy is observable.
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target)
deleteProperty: function(target, key) {
var old = target[key];
var ret = delete target[key];
var receiver = target[observableSymbol].proxy;
var receiver = target[symbols.metaSymbol].proxy;
// Don't trigger handlers on array indexes, as they will change with length.
// Otherwise trigger that the property is now undefined.
// If the property is redefined, the handlers will fire again.
if(ret && !target[observableSymbol].inArrayMethod && old !== undefined) {
if(ret && !target[symbols.metaSymbol].inArrayMethod && old !== undefined) {
queues.batch.start();, key, [undefined, old]);, patchesSymbol, [[{property: key, type: "remove"}]]);, key, [undefined, old]);, symbols.patchesSymbol, [[{key: key, type: "delete"}]]);
return ret;

obj[observableSymbol] = {handlers: new KeyTree([Object, Object, Array]), proxy: p};
obj[symbols.metaSymbol] = {
handlers: new KeyTree([Object, Object, Array]),
proxy: p
return p;

injectionOptions.observe = observe;

// these methods need access to observe and observe to them
injectionOptions.proxiedMethods = makeProxiedMethods(injectionOptions);
injectionOptions.object = makeObject(injectionOptions);
injectionOptions.array = makeArray(injectionOptions);

namespace.observe = observe;
module.exports = observe;

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