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A browser implementation of Jennifer Diane Reitz's board game Taasen.

Screenshot of a game of Taasen in progress. The green Thaum has just moved to push the red Sciane, and the Red player is choosing where to move it to.

The game can be played here.

Game rules

Taasen is a chess-like board game played on a triangular board, created to appear in the webcomic Unicorn Jelly.

Play alternates between Red and Green players. Each player controls three pieces, called the Thaum, Sciane and Paupil. In addition to the Red and Green sides, there is a Blue side that can be controlled by either player on their turn.

Image of the icons of the three playing pieces, labelled, with arrows showing which type pushes which.

On their turn, players can move either one of their pieces or one of the blue pieces to an adjacent empty square. Pieces that can be moved are indicated by a black border. Pieces start sharing the corner tiles, but cannot move to share a tile with another piece.

The central blue tile is special: it cannot be moved into, but connects the adjacent pieces as if they are adjacent to each other. In other words, pieces may move directly between the three tiles connected to the central tile.

Each type of piece can push a different-coloured piece of one type, in a rock-paper-scissors like cycle. The rule is:

  • the Thaum pushes the Sciane
  • the Sciane pushes the Paupil
  • the Paupil pushes the Thaum

To push a piece, a piece must move adjacent to it. The opposing player must then move the pushed piece away. If they cannot move that piece, it is 'crushed' and removed from the board. Pushing a piece does not cause it to push other pieces.

In some cases, a piece may move to push two pieces at once. In this case, the attacking player must choose which of the pieces to push.

A piece that has been pushed on the previous turn can't be moved back to the location it was pushed from. (Note: due to a misunderstanding of the rules, this rule has not been implemented correctly! In the current version, a pushed piece cannot be moved at all on the following turn.)

If a blue piece is moved, it cannot be moved on the following turn.

The game ends when one player has lost all of their pieces, or cannot make any legal move. (Note: Win conditions have not been implemented. Refresh the page to restart the game.)


  • correct implementation of 'no moving back' rule
  • implement victory conditions
  • add tutorial messages to the game

Further projects might include allowing people to play Taasen over the internet rather than require both players to be in the same room, and creating simple AI to play against.


The game is built with Vue.js and the Webpack vue-loader template. It consists mainly of Vue components in the src, especially src/components folder.

A Vue component defines a module, which can have data passed to it, and has corresponding DOM elements. The root component is App.vue.

The main part of the game is the dynamically generated SVG element containing the game board tiles, all pieces, and overlays to allow the player to indicate where they are moving. This is contained in board.vue, and consists of elements from Tile.vue for game tiles, Piece.vue for the playing pieces, and PushedOverlay.vue and DestinationOverlay.vue to show red and yellow overlays over tiles that contain a pushed piece, or can be moved to by the selected piece. Additionally, MoveIndicator.vue contains a small display describing the current game state, including a display of which pieces have been crushed that is positioned alongside the board. Triangle.vue is used to effectively add a 'triangle' element to SVG for drawing. The other javascript files contain small utility functions or configure colour information.

The actual game logic and state is modelled in Board.vue. The GamePiece class defines the properties of a piece with attributes for its state and location. Each piece has a type (Thaum, Sciane or Paupil) and a faction; the combination (e.g. 'redthaum') is the piece's unique ID.

Build setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

This is built using the vue.js webpack template. For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.


A browser implementation of the board game Taasen using vue.js.






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