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Local Juju Users

A subordinate charm for syncing Juju accounts and local UNIX group users.

The charm creates Juju account for every local UNIX group member, gives them admin access to all locally available controllers and models, sets up SSH keys and adds them to all models.

Supports Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04 releases. It has been tested against Juju 2.9 and Juju 3.0.


juju deploy ch:local-juju-users local-juju-users
juju relate local-juju-users <principal-charm>


juju config local-juju-users <option>=<value>

Available configuration options:

Name Description Examples Default
source-unix-group The UNIX group that will be used to source the list of users to be added to the juju model. sre-squad ubuntu
ignored-accounts A comma-separated list of Juju accounts that will be ignored by the charm. admin,prometheus-juju-exporter admin
ignored-controllers A comma-separated list of Juju controllers that will be ignored by the charm. maas-site1,maas-site2 ""
juju-admin-unix-account The UNIX account that will be used to add users to the juju model. ubuntu ubuntu
sync-schedule User account sync schedule in cron format. "10,25,40,55 * * * *" "@daily" "@hourly" "@daily"
site-name This is the name that will be used to identify the remote site in the bash prompt. It can be useful to set this to the name of the cloud or datacenter location. Example-West-1 Juju
default-juju-model The Juju model that will be used as the default model when accessing juju for the first time. If empty, the first available controller and model will be selected. "foundations-maas:admin/openstack" ""
sync-extra-paths A list of paths to files and directories to be synced between "juju-admin-unix-account" and "source-unix-group" members. The expected format is a YaML list of <source>:<destination> strings. The underlying tool used for syncing these files is rsync. ["/home/ubuntu/admin.novarc:/home/$USER/admin.novarc", "/home/ubuntu/.kube/:/home/$USER/.kube"] ""


To sync user accounts manually, run the synchronize-accounts action.

# on Juju 2.9
juju run-action --wait local-juju-users/leader synchronize-accounts
# on Juju 3.0
juju run --wait=15m local-juju-users/leader synchronize-accounts

Note: The first sync should be executed on the leader since it's responsible for setting up access to the controllers and generating passwords. Sync attempts on non-leaders will fail until the first full sync on the leader completes successfully.

Note 2: The charm sets up a cron job that will attempt to sync accounts periodically, based on the interval defined in the sync-schedule config option.

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