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This GitHub action automates the process of creating a pull request from local changes. It utilizes the GitHub REST API to create commits. If the GitHub token used in this action is a bot token, the commits will be created as signed and shown as verified.



The GitHub token required to perform actions such as pushing commits and creating pull requests.


The base branch to create the pull request against. Defaults to the current github.ref context if not set. The git reference for the base must exists locally (i.e. "fetched").


The name of the new branch to be created by this action. If an existing branch with the same name exists in the repository, the action will fail, unless the upsert option is enabled. In that case, the branch will be force-updated.


The commit message for the new commit created by this action.


The title of the pull request that will be created.



The body content of the pull request. This can provide additional information or context for the changes being made.


Options: true | false

Default: false

By default, the action fails if there's an existing branch with the same name in the repository. Enabling upsert allows this action to update the existing branch and its related pull request instead of doing nothing and failing.

WARNING: In upsert mode, commits in the existing branch will be irreversibly removed.


Options: true | false

Default: false

By default, the action fails if no local changes are detected. Enabling this option allows the action to do nothing and exit successfully when there are no changes.

Options: true | false

Default: false

When set to true, the action will enable auto-merge using the squash merge method for the pull request and delete the branch after merge.


    permissions: write-all
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Change local files
        run: |
          echo hello > hello
          echo new-test > test

      - name: Create pull request
        uses: canonical/create-pull-request@main
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          commit-message: Test commit message
          branch-name: new-branch
          title: Test pull request
          body: Test pull request body