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A snap for managing charmed MAAS deployments.


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MAAS Anvil

A snap for managing charmed MAAS deployments.

MAAS Anvil is currently in a closed beta stage, approaching production stability

Multi-node installation steps

The following instructions assume that nodes infra1, infra2, infra3 are deployed with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and their networking is properly configured.

In addition, the instructions assume that MAAS Anvil will deploy all the available components (roles) in all three nodes:

  • MAAS region controller
  • MAAS rack controller (agent)
  • PostgreSQL
  • HAProxy

Preparation steps for each node

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ sudo snap install maas-anvil --edge
ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ maas-anvil prepare-node-script | bash -x
ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ newgrp snap_daemon

Bootstrap the first node

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster bootstrap \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

Add new nodes to the MAAS cluster

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --name infra2.
Token for the Node infra2.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --name infra3.
Token for the Node infra3.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

Join new nodes to the MAAS cluster

ubuntu@infra2:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \
ubuntu@infra3:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

Confirm the cluster status

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster list
┃ Node   ┃ Status ┃ Region ┃ Agent ┃ Database ┃ HAProxy ┃
│ infra1 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra2 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra3 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │

Create MAAS admin user

ubuntu@infra1:~$ juju run maas-region/0 create-admin username=admin password=pass ssh-import=lp:maasadmin

(Optional) Add VIP functionality through Keepalived charm

ubuntu@infra1:~$ juju deploy containers/keepalived
ubuntu@infra1:~$ juju relate haproxy:juju-info keepalived:juju-info
ubuntu@infra1:~$ juju config keepalived virtual_ip=<ip_address>

Charm documentation


A snap for managing charmed MAAS deployments.






