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SAML Integrator Operator

A Juju charm deploying and managing a SAML Integrator on Kubernetes and bare metal. SAML is an XML-based open-standard for transferring identity data between two parties: an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (SP).

This charm simplifies configuration of SAML SPs by providing a single point of configuration for all the requirers using the same SAML entity. It can be deployed on many different Kubernetes platforms, from MicroK8s to Charmed Kubernetes, public cloud Kubernetes offerings and virtual machines or bare metal.

As such, the charm makes it easy to manage and propagate SAML configuration, while giving the freedom to deploy on the substrate of their choice.

For DevOps or SRE teams this charm will make operating any charm leveraging SAML authentication simple and straightforward through Juju's clean interface.

Project and community

The SAML Integrator Operator is a member of the Ubuntu family. It's an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.

Contributing to this documentation

Documentation is an important part of this project, and we take the same open-source approach to the documentation as the code. As such, we welcome community contributions, suggestions and constructive feedback on our documentation. Our documentation is hosted on the Charmhub forum to enable easy collaboration. Please use the "Help us improve this documentation" links on each documentation page to either directly change something you see that's wrong, ask a question, or make a suggestion about a potential change via the comments section.

If there's a particular area of documentation that you'd like to see that's missing, please file a bug.

For further details, see the charm's detailed documentation.