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Charmhub package name: script-exporter
More information:

The Script Exporter charm exposes metrics from the output of executed scripts over a Prometheus compatible OpenMetrics endpoint.

Running Script Exporter

Quick-start reference

juju deploy script-exporter

# Pass the script
juju config script-exporter
# Pass the script-exporter configuration
juju config script-exporter config_file=@script-exporter.yaml
# Pass the Prometheus scrape jobs configuration
juju config script-exporter prometheus_config_file=@prometheus.yaml

# Add the relations
juju relate script-exporter:juju-info <principal>
juju relate script-exporter:cos-agent grafana-agent

How-To guide

The script-exporter is a subordinate charm; relating it to a principal over juju-info will deploy it to the machine.

For the exporter to function correctly, you need to configure three variables through juju config:

  1. script_file: with the current implementation, you can only pass a single script for the exporter to execute; your script could be as straightforward as:

    echo "hello_world{param=\"$1\"} 1"

    This script is stored on disk at the /etc/script-exporter-script path.
    You can find inspiration by looking at the official examples.

  2. config_file: this is the configuration for the Script Exporter itself; here is where you define which scripts the exporter should be able to execute and how they're called. An example configuration file is:

      - name: hello # Name of the script, arbitrary
        command: /etc/script-exporter-script # any available shell command, or `/etc/script-exporter-script` for the custom one
          - argument # args to pass to the script

    Please note that if you want to run the script you passed through juju config, the command must be set to /etc/script-exporter-script. This configuration file will be saved to /etc/script-exporter.yaml.
    More details on how to write this configuration file can be found in the official docs.

  3. prometheus_config_file: this specifies the scrape jobs to finally execute the scripts; an example would be:

      - job_name: 'script_helloworld' # job name, arbitrary
        metrics_path: /probe
          script: [hello] # the name of the script as specified in the *config_file*
          prefix: [script] # a custom prefix for this metric
          - targets:

    The relabel_configs section will be overwritten by the charm, so it's optional.
    For more details on this configuration, refer to the official documentation.

Environments with no internet access

The charm will automatically download the script_exporter binary from the internet. If your machine can't or you want to pass it locally, simply deploy the charm by passing the script-exporter-binary resource to it, as in:

juju deploy script-exporter --resource script-exporter-binary=@./script_exporter

Building Script Exporter

The charm can be easily built with charmcraft.

charmcraft pack

Testing Script Exporter

The run the standard set of linting and tests simply run tox with no arguments.


To run just the unit tests:

tox -e unit,scenario

To run the integration tests:

tox -e integration


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