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TimescaleDB Subordinate Charm


TimescaleDB is an open-source database built for analyzing time-series data with the power and convenience of SQL - on premise, at the edge or in the cloud. This repository offers a charmed TimescaleDB that installs as a PostgreSQL extension. This charm is a subordinate to the main postgresql charm that installs the extension and configures PostgreSQL to make it generally available.

Please note that, by default, the charm will install the latest timescaledb version for the corresponding postgres version, by pulling the built package directly from TimescaleDB's third party apt repository as per the Timescale documentation. The charm offers configuration options for a custom apt repository and/or TimescaleDB version.

Alternatively, the charm also offers the possibility to install from-resources. In this case, the charm should be deployed directly the resources provided at install time (debs for timescaledb-2-loader, timescaledb-2-postgresql and timescaledb-tools). Please note that, if installed from resources, the charm cannot be later configured from repository, or vice-versa.


In order to deploy the charm, one must have a postgresql charm deployed. Please note that this charm does not work with the postresql-k8s charm.

# Create a model.
juju add-model dev
# Deploy a postgresql charm.
juju deploy postgresql
# Watch for the postgresql to be up and running.
juju status
# Deploy the timescaledb charm.
juju deploy timescaledb
# Relate the two charms together.
juju add-relation timescaledb postgresql

From this point, follow the general TimescaleDB instructions to enable TimescaleDB in individual PostgreSQL databases.

Alternatively, the juju deploy step can be performed with custom resources:

juju deploy timescaledb --resource deb=<path-to-tsdb-deb> --resource loader-deb=<path-to-tsdb-loader> --resource tools-deb=<path-to-tsdb-tools>

TimescaleDB Toolkit can also be setup by setting the setup-toolkit config to True or by providing the toolkit-deb resource if setting up from custom resources.


Please refer to


The TimescaleDB Charm is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.

The charm installs TimescaleDB software from the official third-party repository (or other place of choice). The TimescaleDB softare is governed by the Timescale License (TSL) which can be found here.


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  • Python 99.5%
  • Makefile 0.5%