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A simple .NET library for INI file parsing, with a focus on chainable methods


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A simple .NET library for INI files parsing.


Here's an example on how to use Panini in order to create, parse and update your INIs. The main focus is on chainable methods and being able to build multiple sections with the same name (which is the main reason why i built this library).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Panini;

// Build an IniFile istance and parse one or more files

IniFile parsedIni = new IniFile();

// Extract a section and try add a new value
parsedIni.GetSectionByName("General")?.TryAdd("AnotherKey", "AnotherValue");

// Now let's try to extract a key from a section
string? value = parsedIni.GetSectionByName("General")?.TryGet("AnotherKey");

// Extracts all the sections for the given name
List<IniSection> sections = parsedIni.GetSectionsByName("User");

// Iterates through all the sections
sections.ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine($"Username is : {s.TryGet("Name")}"));

// Adds a new section (in this case, a new user entry)
parsedIni.AddSection("User").TryAdd("Name", "Paul")?.TryAdd("Surname", "Jacob");

// Write the changes

// Now the ini file should be updated or created at the given path

How to install

Panini is made of three files, so you can easily compile /Panini/Panini.csproj and referenced the DLL inside your project or copy the files at /Panini/ inside your project. Otherwise you can install via NuGet by running

dotnet add package Panini --version 1.3.1


Here's a quick overview on the methods and classes that the API exposes. Panini aims to be a simple library so there's only a few things that you need to know before starting to use it.

Ini files can be handled by two objects:

  • IniFile
  • IniSection

The first one, in fact, wraps a collection of Ini sections and allows you to retrieve single or multiple selection or parse a new file.

Creating and parsing ini files

You can create a new IniFile object by calling

IniFile ini = new IniFile();

After that, you can parse one or multiple files by calling


Parsing multiple files is also possibile by calling Parse() over multiple paths, the result will be a single ini construct containing the sections of all the parsed files.

An IniFile can be saved by calling


Where you can specify a new path or the previous one (in the latter case, your ini file will be overwritten).

Retrieving sections

A single section can be retrieved by calling

IniSection mySection = ini.GetSectionByName("name of your section");

If your IniFile object contains multiple sections with the same name, the first one will be retrieved. Moreover, if a section with the given name does not exists, null will be returned.

Retrieving multiple sections with the same name is also possible by running

List<IniSection> mySections = ini.GetSectionsByName("name of your sections");

In this case, a list of IniSections will be returned (the list will be empty if no section with the given name is found).

All the sections can be obtained by running

List<IniSection> allTheSections = ini.GetAllSections();

Adding or removing a new section

A new section requires to be

  1. Created
  2. Added to the ini file

You can create a new section by running

IniSection newSection = ini.AddSection("name of the new section");

or by instanciating it through the constructor

IniSection newSection = new IniSection("name of the new section");

A sections can also be removed from the file by running

ini.RemoveSectionByName("name of the section to be removed");

Retrieving, removing and adding entries

A new key-value entry can be added to a section by running

mySection.TryAdd("Key", "Value");

which returns null if the pair couldn't be added to the file (this mainly happens because a key with the same name already exists).

In order to remove a key and its value you can instead run


You can also use the Set option in order to add or replace a value by running

mySection.Set("key", "value");

In this case, if the key exists its value will be replaced. Otherwise, the method behaves like the TryAdd option.

Adding comments

Lines starting with # will be parsed as comments and added to the Comments property of a section. You can also add new comments in code by running

mySection.AddComment("my new line of comment");

Clearing all the sections

All the sections can be cleared from a file by running


Remember that, in order be applied to the .ini file, these modifications require you to call the Save() method too.

Chaining methods

You can use the previous methods in a chained fashion like the following example:

// Creating the ini 
IniFile ini = new IniFile();

// Parsing two files

// Chaining methods

ini.GetSectionByName("section1")?.Set("key", "value");

ini.GetSectionsByName("multiple").ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(s.TryGet("key")));

ini.AddSection("newSection").Set("key", "value").Set("key2", "value2");



A simple .NET library for INI file parsing, with a focus on chainable methods






