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Antony Male edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

Contributions, feature suggestions, and bug reports are more than welcome.

For bug reports, please open an issue. For feature suggestions, either open an issue or catch me on IRC (I hang out in ##csharp on freenode).

If you're planning on submitting code, thank you! If it's a feature, however, please talk to me first. One of Stylet's stated goals is a low LOC count: this aids in verification and is a useful proxy for keeping complexity low. It may be that your feature idea would be better off as a separate package, but let's discuss it. Bug fixes are always welcome.

Stylet holds itself to high quality standards. Any new code must comply with the Coding Standard, have zero Code Analysis issues, and zero StyleCop warnings. In addition, all new code must have 100% Test Coverage, or there must be a good reason why each line not covered by unit tests can't be tested in this manner (this can happen for UI code or when implementing a contract or pattern - it must be integration tested where possible).

However, I do appreciate that these are quite a few hoops to jump through, and may be offputting! I'm more than happy to do / help out with any or all of these steps if you've got a pull request ready but don't have the time, patience, or skill comply with the quality measures. Submit your pull request and we'll have a chat!

When submitting code, please create a new branch based off develop, and do your work on that branch. Clean up the branch if necessary using rebase -i before submitting it as a pull request.

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