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Allows one rack server to serve multiple sites. Sites shut down after a period of non-use, and can be reloaded easily.

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Why Rack-Multisite Exists

The problem is this: I run a large number of very low-usage websites. Therefore I don't want a large number of Thin instances hanging around, eating RAM but not doing very much otherwise. Passenger is one option, but it's still aimed at improving performance rather than reducing resource-usage, and I've never got on with it particularly well.

Rack-multisite is an attempt to serve multiple sites using one Thin instance. Unlike Rack's map, it routes based on domains, not URLs. It also spawns each application instance in its own process (much like Shotgun), which means that the dependencies of one application don't start interfering with those of another (a particular issue with Bundler).

While this is all well and good, on its own it will increase overall RAM usage. However, Rack-multisite will unload your application if it hasn't been called for a certain period of time, returning the RAM used to the system. It will then restart the application when someone requests it. In informal experiments, it reloads a simple Sinatra application in about half the time that Passenger takes.

It also allows for Passenger-style application reloading. Instead of restarting Thin when you make changes to your site, just touch a file (default tmp/restart.txt), and Rack-multisite will reload your application on the next request.

Basic Usage

Imagine you have the following folder layout:

|-- multisite-controller
|   `--
|-- app1
|   |--
|   `-- app1.rb
`-- app2
    `-- app2.rb

app1 and app2 are standalone applications, with their own files, such that you could cd app1 && rackup, and the application would start. multisite-controller/ is what we're interested in.

Inside multisite-controller/, do something similar to this:

require 'rack-multisite'

	map('domain1.tld', '../app1')
	map('domain2.tld', '../app2')

And that's it. Running cd rack-multisite && rackup will launch Rack-multisite, which will load up app1 and app2 when you first request domain1.tld or domain2.tld respectively.

Advanced Usage

Now, there are of course more options available.

The Rack_Multisite constructor takes an array of options, with the following optional keys:

  • :timeout: The length of time, in seconds, that an application will idle for before shutting down.

Inside the block passed to the Rack_Multisite constructor, you can only call one method, map. This method has the following prototype:

map(domain, path, options={})

More detail on those arguments:

  • domain: The domain which the application will be used to serve. It can either be a string, a regex, or the special value '*' (which matches if nothing else does, equivalent to /.*/).
  • path: The path to the folder containing the application.
  • options: A hash of the following optional arguments:
    • :timeout: This will override the timeout given to the Rack_Multisite constructor.
    • :rackup_file: The name of the rackup file, relative to path. Defaults to
    • :reload_file: When the mtime of this file changes, the application will be reloaded. Defaults to tmp/restart.txt.
    • :env: A hash of parameters to be added to ENV, as seen by the application.

Putting this all together, we can come up with a more complex example:

run => 600){
	map(/.*domain1\.tld$/, '../app1', :reload_file => 'reload.txt', :env => {
		'DB_PASS' => '5up3r5ecr3t',
	map('*', '../app2/', :timeout => 300, :rackup_file => '')

Here, app1 will timeout after 600 seconds, its rackup file is at '../app1/', and its reload file at '../app1/reload.txt'. Inside the application, ENV['DB_PASS'] will be '5up3r5ecr3t'.

App2 will timeout after 300 seconds, its rackup file is at '../app2/', and its reload file at '../app2/tmp/restart.txt'.

Important Implications

You will need to set :session_secret in your Sinatra app. Otherwise, whenever the application is restarted, all sessions will die (as Sinatra generates a new session secret).


This is by no means polished software, and please, please don't use it for anything critical. Due to the forking, it won't run under Windows.

Due to the piping going on, I strongly suspect that any asynchronous/eventmachine-y stuff will break it.

If it crashes badly, chances are it will freeze and refuse to exit. In this case, a pkill -9 is probably required.


Allows one rack server to serve multiple sites. Sites shut down after a period of non-use, and can be reloaded easily.






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