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Git Cheat Sheet

command description
git checkout <branch> OR git switch <branch> checkout branch
git checkout -b <new-branch> OR git switch -c <new-branch> create & checkout new branch
git checkout --track <remote>/<branch> OR git switch -c <new-branch> --track <remote>/<branch> checkout remote branch
git checkout -- <file> discard changes in working directory
git branch list available and current branches
git branch <new-branch> create new branch
git branch -d <branch> delete branch
git push origin --delete <branch> delete remote branch
git branch -u origin/<branch> set upstream branch
git branch -m <newname> rename current git branch
git branch -m <branch> <newname> rename non-current git branch
git branch -vv see which remote branch the current branch is tracking
git status see current status of files
git add <filename> add filename to staging area
git add --patch <filename> add hunks of code to staging area
git commit -m "message" commit files and add message
git commit -am "message" add & commit files and add message
git commit --amend -m "new-message" amend last commit message (if not pushed to remote already)
git reset <filename> unstage filename from staging area
git reset --soft HEAD~1 soft reset (keep all changes) back 1 commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1 hard reset (discard all changes) back 1 commit
git reset --hard hard reset (discard all local changes)
git reset HEAD <filename> unstage changes
git revert <commitSha> revert specific commit
git clean -fd remove untracked files from working tree (force options with recursive directories)
git merge <branch> merge branch into current branch
git rebase <branch> rebase current branch onto branch
git rebase --abort check out the original branch and stop rebasing
git push -f force push
git diff see existing changes
git diff <branch1> <branch2> -- <file> see file diff between two branches
git stash stash working directory
git stash list list stashes
git stash pop pop stash
git stash drop stash@{index} delete stash
git stash clear delete all stashes
git tag list existing tags
git tag <tag-name> create lightweight tag
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "<tag-message>" create annotated tag with message at current commit
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "<tag-message>" commit_id create annotated tag with message at specific commit id
git tag -d <tag-name> delete tag
git show <commitSha> show commit with changes
git show <tag-name> show tag
git push <remote> <tag-name> push tag to remote
git push <remote> --tags push all tags to remote
git push <remote> --delete <tag-name> delete tag on remote
git push -u <remote> <branch> set upstream branch and push to it
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/<branch> set current branch to track upstream origin branch
git log --pretty=oneline view commit history
git log -p view commit history with changes shown
git version list git version
git init initialize git repo in current directory
git remote list short names of each remote handle
git remote -v list urls for each short names of each remote handle
git remote add <short-name> <url> add remote repository
git remote show <remote> show information about a remote
git remote set-url origin<repo.git> update the remote url in your local repository after transfer for ssh
git remote set-url origin <url>/<repo.git> update the remote url in your local repository after transfer for https
git fetch <remote> pulls down all data from remote for inspection or merging
git rm <filename> removes files from the working tree and from the index
git cherry-pick <commitSha> cherry-pick specific commit to current working HEAD
git reflog displays log of all the changes made to the repo including changes made to branches, commits, and merges
shorthand switch
-d --delete
-f --force
-m --move
-c --copy
-i --ignore-case
-r --remotes
-a --all
-l --list
-v,-vv --verbose
-q --quiet
-t --track
-u <upstream> --set-upstream-to=<upstream>

Renaming default branch from Master to Main

  1. git branch -m master main on local machine.
  2. Gitlab -> settings -> repository -> Default branch -> main (you might have to push main onto origin).
  3. [Optional] Make changes to protected branches.
  4. git push origin --delete master to remove remote master branch. Remove master branch from protected status as required.


The Pro Git book (with translations into other languages too)


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