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client library for a

All libraries are written in commonJS module style, so you need to use SystemJS loader to be able to use them in the browser. Browserify/webpack might work, if you set it up correctly, but might be a pain and you're probably will have to delve deep into the code. Angular.js lib contains special rpc-controller directive, which when compiled asynchronously loads server channel and instantiates classic angular controller when this channel is ready. #Usage npm install for serverside usage

jspm install for clientside usage

then in Node.js:

var rpcClient = require('');

var rpc = rpcClient('http://localhost:8032');
//call to the server
rpc('plain')().then(function(ret) {
	console.log('plain returned ', ret);	//for test-utils/sample-server.js server prints out: plain returned 41
//expose some for the server to call
	fnOnClient: function() {
		console.log('called client method');
		return 42;
	asyncOnClient: function() {
		return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
				resolve('resolved after 40ms');
			}, 40);
	erroringMethod: function() {

in the browser:

var myChannel = require('rpc/test');   //CJS style require
import {default as myChannel} from 'rpc/myChannel'; //ES6 style require

myChannel.getTime().then(t => { //calls getTime function on the server
    console.log("t", t);    //t is the serverside return value or serverside promise resolve value

For complete examples including server side refer to project