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SuperCollider GUI for browsers with remote sync capablities.


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webRTCgui allows to publish, modify and sync dynamic GUI elements / parameters via the internet (or local network) from within SuperCollider.

Screen recording

This GUI parameters syncs across multiple devices, also across the internet.

As SuperCollider can not directly communicate via WebRTC we need a translation layer to do the network lifting. To get a better understanding we quickly explain each component involved.

Service Folder Description
Server js/server.ts A express server which serves the frontend and distributes the necessary messages for communication. You can run this your local machine or on a remote machine (server) if you want to publish the GUI via the internet.
Frontend js/src A vue.js 3 frontend / website through which clients can interact and view the available parameters. Should run on the same machine as the backend and in default the server cares for this.
Client js/client.ts Our translation layer between SuperCollider OSC messages and the WebRTC server. This needs to run on your local machine.
SuperCollider ./classes A simple Quark with the class WebRTCGUI. Should be used on your local machine.



Before we start with setting up the services you should install the necessary Quark in SuperCollider by entering the following lines into the editor and evaluate them.

// recompile interpreter to make new classes available


Clone the repository to a folder of your choice via

git clone
cd webRTCgui

The easiest way to set up all necessary services is using Docker with docker-compose.

Local server and client

This assumes that sclang is started on port 57120 which can be verified by executing NetAddr.langPort or can be changed by setting e.g. export SC_PORT=57121.

In order to try it out on your local machine you can type

docker-compose up --build

Once everything spun up you can access the frontend on http://localhost:3000 and start creating controls from SuperCollider by reading the docs


Other users within your network can also access the website via http://<your-local-ip>:3000.

To understand the connections better here is a schematic on how the services are connected in a local setup.

Local setup

Remote server and local client

Assuming you want to have the website accessible via the internet you need a remote machine on which you can to deploy the server on which you should run

# set a password for the server and start the server
BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN=someBetterPassword \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.server.yml up --build

By appending a -d flag the service will start in the background.

Make sure you have setup the network properly so the service is reachable by either having port 3000 forwarded in your firewall (e.g. ufw) or setting up a reverse proxy (see below). If you can see the website you have set it up properly.

After this you need to start the client on your local machine which acts as a translation layer between our local SuperCollider instance and the remote server.

# set the password and address from the server and start the local client
BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN=someBetterPassword \
BACKEND_ADDRESS="http://my.ip:3000" \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.client.yml up --build

If everything worked it should say

webrtcgui-client-1  | Connected to server

and from there on you can continue with the SuperCollider documentation (see above).

Here are the schematics for a remote workflow with reverse proxy.

Remote setup

Setup a nginx reverse proxy

Using a reverse proxy allows you to secure the application better and also add supports for https certificates to the server which will improve usability across devices.

Here is an example of such a nginx config file which would redirect the traffic from to our server.

server {

  location / {
    proxy_pass  http://localhost:3000;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

      add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload";
      client_max_body_size 0;

      access_log /var/log/nginx/remote.access.log;
      error_log /var/log/nginx/remote.error.log;
  listen 80;

Modify it according to your URL and port mappings, restart nginx and let certbot give you a certificate for your config.

After this you can verify that you can access the server with your browser which should display the frontend website.


Please do not use precious passwords as these passwords are transmitted non-encrypted and may get spilled by storing and printing them in plaintext.

To restrict the creation and deletion of GUI elements there needs to some kind of authentication to distinguish between the local client which is attached to SuperCollider and the remote clients, accessing the server via a browser. You can set the environment variable BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN in the server and client shell to the desired password, e.g.

export BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN=somePassword


For development we do not rely on the docker environment because it is rather nasty to sync the node_modules folder between container and host machine. Currently this project uses Node 14 with typescript which makes the development of the communication much more safe as we use type checks on the messages we send and receive.

To install all necessary dependencies execute

cd js
npm install

and start the setup via

npm run local-dev

The Vue development server is then available under http://localhost:8080, the server starts under port 3000.

Please install and setup pre-commit before committing which will run some linting checks.

The schematics of the dev environment.

Dev schematic
