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Storybook project for developing caramel

Steps to start development

  • Clone the project
  • Go to the root directory and run git submodule init.
  • After your .gitmodules file is created, you can either edit it to use ssh with perl -i -p -e 's|https://(.*?)/|git@\1:|g' .gitmodules or you can go ahead with the current setting.
    • Don't forget to run git submodule sync if you change the url in .gitmodules.
  • Run git submodule update in the root directory. You will see that the submodule caramel will be cloned now.

Developing caramel

  • Make sure you go into caramel directory and pull the latest version, otherwise it won't be updated.
  • Checkout the branch that you want to use.
  • When making a change inside the caramel project, make sure you push both caramel and caramel-storybook separately, otherwise it won't be updated in this repository.
  • If you have it, remove node_modules from caramel directory.
  • Run yarn at the root of the project.
  • Run the project like a regular react native application.
  • To open Storybook console, run yarn storybook.