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savaki committed Oct 12, 2021
1 parent 866c3a2 commit f1975da
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions CIP-0030/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
CIP: 30
Title: On-Chain Token Metadata Standard
Authors: Matt Ho <>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Created: 2020-10-12
License: CC-BY-4.0

# Abstract

This specification defines a new transaction metadata label (i.e. `20`) and entry for [CIP-0030] to associate token metadata during a minting transaction. Unlike CIP-28, this
proposal is intended to define a specific schema to allow basic information about fungible tokens to be provided On-Chain.

# Motivation

The (Cardano Token Registry)[] is a centralized Off-Chain governance system to manage token
metadata. This proposal aims to provide an On-Chain solution to the same problems that will afford users a much higher degree of trust than the existing

Specifically, this proposal aims to solve for the following:

* Provide a standardized way to associate an icon and a ticker with a token
* Provide a mechanism that allows the viewer to evaluate the trustworthiness and/or authenticity of a token

# Specification

Minters of tokens on the Cardano blockchain main optionally choose to associate the following transaction metadata to facilitate off-chain labeling of tokens.
When doing so, transaction metadata MUST be included in the same transaction that mints the asset id.

> <sub>NOTE</sub>
> The following provides an example of the proposed on-chain metadata:
"20": {
"<policy-id>": {
"<asset-name>": {
"ticker": "SUNDAE",
"url": "{policy-id}.{asset-name}",
"desc": "SUNDAE",
"icon": "ipfs://ipfs/<ipfs-hash>",
"icon-<size>": "ipfs://ipfs/<ipfs-hash>",
"decimals": 6,
"version": "1.0"

Field | | Description |
:--- | :---- | :---- |
policy-id | | token policy id |
asset-name | | hex encoded asset name |
ticker | OPTIONAL | when present, field and overrides default ticker which is the asset-name |
url | OPTIONAL | https only url that refers to metadata stored offchain. The URL SHOULD use the project domain and MUST return authenticity metadata in either html or json format (see below) |
desc | OPTIONAL | additional description that defines the usage of the token |
logo | REQUIRED | MUST be either https, ipfs, or data. logo MUST be a browser supported image format.
logo-&lt;size&gt; | OPTIONAL | allows teams to provide icon in different sizes. the recommended values of size are 16, 32, 64, 96, 128. logos are assumed to be square so that logo-64 would refer to a 64x64 logo
decimals | OPTIONAL | how many decimal places should the token support? For ADA, this would be 6 e.g. 1 ADA is 10^6 Lovelace
version | OPTIONAL | when not specified, version will default to `1.0`

> <sub>NOTE</sub>
> The following provides an example of the alternate proposed on-chain metadata reference:
"20": {
"<policy-id>": {
"<asset-name>": {
"ref": "",

In some cases, it is not practical or desirable to have embed the metadata on-chain. In these cases, this proposal allows the on-chain

Field | | Description |
:--- | :---- | :---- |
policy-id | | token policy id |
asset-name | | hex encoded asset name |
ref | REQUIRED | https only url that holds the metadata in the onchain format (see above). The URL SHOULD use the project domain and MUST return the token metadata as described above

### Authenticity Metadata

To help prevent adversaries from creating fake tokens with the intent to defraud users, projects may authenticate tokens using domains they control. This
mechanism provides users a better understanding of where their tokens came from.

The url provided in the token metadata should return content in either html or JSON format.

* In JSON format, the url should return a JSON block of the same shape as the on-chain token metadata that includes both the policy-id and asset-name to be verified.
* In HTML format, the url should contain the a `meta` tag with `name` of `cip-30:authenticate` and a value of a comma separate list of tokens to declare as authenticate where tokens are formatted as `{policy id}{hex-encoded asset name}` with no space in between

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