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gitmachtl committed Nov 29, 2022
1 parent aabfacd commit f6db60a
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions CIP-0020/codesamples/demo_via_nodeJS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Demonstation implementation of CIP-0020 Transaction Messages Encryption/Decryption via NODE.JS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const crypto = require('crypto');

// Calculate the KeyIV via the PasswordBasedKeyDerivedFormat2 pbkdf2 method, 10000 iterations, 48 bytes long, sha256
function calc_KeyIV(passphrase, salt) { //passphrase as utf8 string, salt as hexstring
const key_IV = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(Buffer.from(passphrase,'utf8'), Buffer.from(salt,'hex'), 10000, 48, 'sha256').toString('hex')
console.log(` keyIV: ${key_IV}`);
return key_IV; //hex-string

// Encryption Function
function encryptCardanoMessage(decrypted_msg, passphrase = 'cardano') { //decrypted_msg as utf8 string, passphrase as utf8 string(defaults to cardano)
//Encrypted Message (salted) looks like 'Salted__' + 8 bytes salt + cyphertext
//Build up the encrypted Message as hex string
var encrypted_hex = Buffer.from('Salted__','utf8').toString('hex');
//Generate the random salt
var salt = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex');
encrypted_hex += salt; //append the salt
console.log(` salt: ${salt}`);
//Calculate the Key+IV
var keyIV = calc_KeyIV(passphrase, salt)
//The key itself is the first 32 Bytes (char 0-64 in hex string)
var key = keyIV.substring(0,64);
//The IV (initialization vector) is 16 Bytes and follows the key
var iv = keyIV.substring(64);
console.log(` key: ${key}`);
console.log(` iv: ${iv}`);
//Encrypt the message
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(key,'hex'), Buffer.from(iv,'hex'));
try {
var cyphertext = cipher.update(decrypted_msg, 'utf8', 'hex') +'hex');
} catch (error) { console.error(`Could not encrypt the message\n${error}`); process.exit(1); }
console.log(` cyphertext: ${cyphertext}`);
encrypted_hex += cyphertext; //append the cyphertext
console.log(` Enc-Message(hex): ${encrypted_hex}`);
return Buffer.from(encrypted_hex,'hex').toString('base64'); //base64 string

// Decryption Function
function decryptCardanoMessage(encrypted_msg, passphrase = 'cardano') { //encrypted_msg as base64 string, passphrase as utf8 string(defaults to cardano)
//Encrypted Message is base64 encoded, convert it to hex
const encrypted_hex = Buffer.from(encrypted_msg, 'base64').toString('hex');
console.log(` Enc-Message(hex): ${encrypted_hex}`);
//Encrypted Message (salted) looks like 'Salted__' + 8 bytes salt + cyphertext
//Salt is byte 9-16 in the Encrypted Message (char 16-32 in a hex string)
var salt = encrypted_hex.substring(16,32);
console.log(` salt: ${salt}`);
//Cyphertext is all the rest after the salt (starting with char 32 in a hex string)
var cyphertext = encrypted_hex.substring(32);
console.log(` cyphertext: ${cyphertext}`);
//Calculate the Key+IV
var keyIV = calc_KeyIV(passphrase, salt)
//The key itself is the first 32 Bytes (char 0-64 in hex string)
var key = keyIV.substring(0,64);
//The IV (initialization vector) is 16 Bytes and follows the key
var iv = keyIV.substring(64);
console.log(` key: ${key}`);
console.log(` iv: ${iv}`);
//Decrypt the cyphertext with the key and the iv
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(key,'hex'), Buffer.from(iv,'hex'));
try {
var decr_msg = decipher.update(cyphertext, 'hex').toString('utf8') +'utf8');
} catch (error) { console.error(`Could not decrypt the message\n${error}`); process.exit(1); }
return decr_msg; //utf8

// DEMO Encrypt and Decrypt

const passphrase = 'cardano'; //Using default passphrase 'cardano'

// Encryption
console.log(`--- Encryption ---`);
var decrypted_msg = 'Hi, this is a test-message. Best regards, Martin';
console.log(` Dec-Message(utf8): ${decrypted_msg}`)
var encrypted_msg = encryptCardanoMessage(decrypted_msg, passphrase);
console.log(`Enc-Message(base64): ${encrypted_msg}`);

// Decryption
console.log(`--- Decryption ---`);
var encrypted_msg = 'U2FsdGVkX18UshV/vpKWoYtutcS2efoloN+okKMY+pYdvUnqi88znUhHPxSSX8t4';
console.log(`Enc-Message(base64): ${encrypted_msg}`);
var decrypted_msg = decryptCardanoMessage(encrypted_msg, passphrase);
console.log(` Dec-Message(utf8): ${decrypted_msg}`)

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