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simplify coin selection implementation
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- Less intermediate types
- Rely on built-in function on list instead of custom function for performances (O(n*log(n)) instead of (O(n))
- Correct reporting of errors
  • Loading branch information
KtorZ authored and paweljakubas committed Mar 27, 2019
1 parent afa6f8d commit 892f3ea
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 227 deletions.
80 changes: 29 additions & 51 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/CoinSelection.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,50 +64,28 @@ data CoinSelectionError =
-- inputs was reached.
deriving (Show, Eq)

data CoinSelFinalResult = CoinSelFinalResult
{ inputs :: NonEmpty (TxIn, TxOut)
data CoinSelection = CoinSelection
{ inputs :: [(TxIn, TxOut)]
-- ^ Picked inputs
, outputs :: NonEmpty TxOut
, outputs :: [TxOut]
-- ^ Picked outputs
, change :: [Coin]
-- ^ Resulting changes
} deriving (Show, Generic)

data CoinSelOneGoResult = CoinSelOneGoResult
{ coinSelRequest :: TxOut
-- ^ The output as it was requested
, coinSelOutput :: TxOut
-- ^ The output as it should appear in the final transaction
-- This may be different from the requested output if recipient pays fees.
, coinSelChange :: [Coin]
-- ^ Change outputs (if any)
-- These are not outputs, to keep this agnostic to a choice of change addr
, coinSelInputs :: SelectedUtxo
-- | The UTxO entries that were used for this output

data SelectedUtxo = SelectedUtxo
{ selectedEntries :: ![(TxIn, TxOut)]
, selectedBalance :: !Coin
, selectedSize :: !Word64
} deriving (Show)

emptySelectedUtxo :: SelectedUtxo
emptySelectedUtxo = SelectedUtxo [] (Coin 0) 0
-- We don't check for duplicates when combining selections because we assume
-- they are constructed from independent elements. In practice, we could nub
-- the list or use a `Set` ?
instance Semigroup CoinSelection where
a <> b = CoinSelection
{ inputs = inputs a <> inputs b
, outputs = outputs a <> outputs b
, change = change a <> change b

:: (TxIn, TxOut)
-> SelectedUtxo
-> SelectedUtxo
select io@(_,o) SelectedUtxo{..} =
let currentBalance = getCoin selectedBalance
entryValue = (getCoin . coin) o
in SelectedUtxo
{ selectedEntries = io : selectedEntries
, selectedBalance = Coin $ currentBalance + entryValue
, selectedSize = selectedSize + 1
instance Monoid CoinSelection where
mempty = CoinSelection [] [] []

Expand All @@ -119,21 +97,21 @@ newtype Fee = Fee { getFee :: Quantity "lovelace" Natural }
:: CoinSelectionOptions
-> ( Coin -> UTxO -> Maybe (TxIn, TxOut) )
-> [CoinSelOneGoResult]
-> CoinSelFinalResult
adjustForFees _opt _pickUtxo results = do
let inps = concatMap (selectedEntries . coinSelInputs) results
let outs = map coinSelOutput results
let chgs = concatMap coinSelChange results
-> CoinSelection
-> CoinSelection
adjustForFees _opt _pickUtxo selection = do
let inps = inputs selection
let outs = outputs selection
let chgs = change selection

-- here will come estimateFee and other stuff
-- and will change inps, outs and chgs

let neInps = case inps of
[] -> fail "adjustForFees: empty list of inputs"
i:is -> i :| is
let neOuts = case outs of
[] -> fail "adjustForFees: empty list of outputs"
o:os -> o :| os
-- let neInps = case inps of
-- [] -> fail "adjustForFees: empty list of inputs"
-- i:is -> i :| is
-- let neOuts = case outs of
-- [] -> fail "adjustForFees: empty list of outputs"
-- o:os -> o :| os

CoinSelFinalResult neInps neOuts chgs
CoinSelection inps outs chgs
220 changes: 44 additions & 176 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/CoinSelection/LargestFirst.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}

-- |
Expand All @@ -19,16 +16,7 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.CoinSelection.LargestFirst (
import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.CoinSelection
( CoinSelFinalResult
, CoinSelOneGoResult (..)
, CoinSelOneGoResult
, CoinSelectionError (..)
, CoinSelectionOptions (..)
, SelectedUtxo (..)
, adjustForFees
, emptySelectedUtxo
, select
( CoinSelection (..), CoinSelectionError (..), CoinSelectionOptions (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( Coin (..), TxIn, TxOut (..), UTxO (..), balance )
import Control.Monad
Expand All @@ -37,84 +25,46 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
( ExceptT (..), throwE )
import Data.List.NonEmpty
( NonEmpty (..) )
import Data.Map.Strict
( Map )
import Data.Ord
( comparing )
import Data.Word
( Word64 )

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- | Largest-first input selection policy
:: forall m. Monad m
=> CoinSelectionOptions
-> UTxO
-> NonEmpty TxOut
-> ExceptT CoinSelectionError m CoinSelFinalResult
-> ExceptT CoinSelectionError m CoinSelection
largestFirst opt utxo txOutputs = do
-- Step 1. we will cover transaction outputs starting from the largest
let txOutputsSorted = NE.toList
$ NE.sortBy (flip $ comparing coin) txOutputs

-- Step 2. (TO-DO or not) we need to check if the transaction outputs are not redeemable

-- Step 3. now for every output payment starting from the largest we will
-- pick (n=maximumNumberOfInputs) largest outputs from UTxO that
-- remained from last iteration of Step 3.
(_, coinSelectionTmpResult) <-
foldM selectCoins (utxo, []) txOutputsSorted

-- Step 4. adjust for fee and transform to result type
return $ adjustForFees opt pickUtxo coinSelectionTmpResult
pickUtxo :: Coin -> UTxO -> Maybe (TxIn, TxOut)
pickUtxo v =
let search :: Word64 -> [(TxIn, TxOut)] -> Maybe (TxIn, TxOut)
search _ [] = Nothing
search val ((i, o):rest)
| ((getCoin . coin) o) >= val = Just (i, o)
| otherwise = search val rest
in search (getCoin v) . Map.toList . getUTxO

:: TxOut
-> SelectedUtxo
-> CoinSelOneGoResult
defCoinSelResult goal selected =
let currentBalance = getCoin $ selectedBalance selected
toSubstract = (getCoin . coin) goal
change = Coin $ currentBalance - toSubstract
in CoinSelOneGoResult
{ coinSelRequest = goal
, coinSelOutput = goal
, coinSelChange = [change]
, coinSelInputs = selected

:: forall m. Monad m
=> (UTxO, [CoinSelOneGoResult])
-> TxOut
-> ExceptT CoinSelectionError m (UTxO, [CoinSelOneGoResult])
selectCoins (currentUtxo, prev) txOutput = do
-- select coins to cover at least specified value
(selectedCoins, utxo') <-
atLeast (maximumNumberOfInputs opt) ((getCoin . coin) txOutput) currentUtxo

let coinSelectionResult = defCoinSelResult txOutput selectedCoins

return (utxo', coinSelectionResult : prev)

let txOutputsSorted = NE.toList $ NE.sortBy (flip $ comparing coin) txOutputs
let n = fromIntegral $ maximumNumberOfInputs opt
let nLargest = take n . L.sortBy (flip $ comparing (coin . snd)) . Map.toList . getUTxO
-- FIXME ? we need to check if the transaction outputs are not redeemable
case foldM atLeast (nLargest utxo, mempty) txOutputsSorted of
Just (_, s) -> return s
-- If we failed to cover 'target' it might be because we
-- depleted the Utxo or simply because our 'maxNumInputs' was
-- to stringent and in normal conditions we @would have@ covered
-- targetMin. To diversify the two errors, if
-- 'utxoBalance utxo >= targetMin' it means this is a max input
-- failure, otherwise we have genuinely exhausted the utxo.
Nothing -> do
let utxoBalance = fromIntegral $ balance utxo
let target = sum $ (getCoin . coin) <$> txOutputs
if utxoBalance < target then
throwE $ UtxoExhausted utxoBalance target
throwE $ MaximumInputsReached (fromIntegral n)

Helper types and functions

-- Select coins to cover at least the specified value
-- When we fail in the random selection policy because we exceeded the maximum
-- number of inputs @n@, we fallback on the 'largestFirstFallback'. We select
Expand All @@ -127,106 +77,24 @@ largestFirst opt utxo txOutputs = do
-- the random input selection to try and construct a more useful change output
-- (provided we haven't used up all available inputs yet).
:: forall m. Monad m
=> Word64
-> Word64
-> UTxO
-> ExceptT CoinSelectionError m (SelectedUtxo, UTxO)
atLeast maxNumInputs targetMin utxo = do
let nLargest = map (\(f,s) -> (f, UTxO s)) $ nLargestFromMapBy coin maxNumInputs (getUTxO utxo)
case go emptySelectedUtxo utxo nLargest of
Nothing -> do
-- If we failed to cover 'targetMin' it might be because we
-- depleted the Utxo or simply because our 'maxNumInputs' was
-- to stringent and in normal conditions we @would have@ covered
-- targetMin. To diversify the two errors, if
-- 'utxoBalance utxo >= targetMin' it means this is a max input
-- failure, otherwise we have genuinely exhausted the utxo.
let utxoBalance = fromIntegral $ balance utxo
if utxoBalance < targetMin
then throwE $ UtxoExhausted utxoBalance targetMin
else throwE $ MaximumInputsReached maxNumInputs
Just (selected, remainingUtxo) -> do
return (selected, remainingUtxo)
go :: SelectedUtxo
-> UTxO
-> [((TxIn, TxOut), UTxO)]
-> Maybe (SelectedUtxo, UTxO)
go acc remainingUtxo sorted
| selectedBalance acc >= (Coin targetMin) = Just (acc, remainingUtxo)
| otherwise = case sorted of
[] -> Nothing
(io, remainingUtxo'):sorted' ->
go (select io acc) remainingUtxo' sorted'

-- Auxiliary functions --

:: (Ord b, Ord k) => (a -> b)
-> Word64
-> Map k a
-> [((k, a), Map k a)]
nLargestFromMapBy f n m =
aux Set.empty $ nLargestFromListBy (f . snd) n (Map.toList m)
aux _ [] = []
aux deleted ((k, a) : kas) =
((k, a), m `withoutKeys` deleted')
: aux deleted' kas
deleted' = Set.insert k deleted
theMap `withoutKeys` theSet =
theMap `Map.difference` Map.fromSet (const ()) theSet

-- | Return the @n@ largest elements of the list, from large to small.
-- @O(n)@
:: Ord b => (a -> b)
-> Word64
-> [a]
-> [a]
nLargestFromListBy f n = \xs ->
-- If the map resulting from manipulating @xs@ is empty, we need to
-- return straight away as otherwise the call to 'Map.findMin' later
-- would fail.
let (firstN, rest) = splitAt (fromIntegral n) xs
acc = Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (\a -> (f a, [a])) firstN
in if Map.null acc then [] else go acc rest
-- We cache the minimum element in the accumulator, since looking this up
-- is an @O(log n)@ operation.
-- Invariants:
-- - Map must contain exactly @n@ elements
-- - No list in the codomain of the map can be empty
-- NOTE: Using a PSQ here doesn't really gain us very much. Sure, we can
-- lookup the minimum element in @O(1)@ time, but /replacing/ the minimum
-- element still requires @O(log n)@ time. Thus, if we cache the minimum
-- value we have the same complexity, and avoid an additional depenedency.
go acc = go' acc (fst (Map.findMin acc))

-- Inherits invariants from @go@
-- Precondition: @accMin == fst (Map.findMin acc)@
go' acc _ [] = concatMap snd $ Map.toDescList acc
go' acc accMin (a:as)
| b > accMin = go (replaceMin accMin b a acc) as
| otherwise = go' acc accMin as
b = f a

-- Replace the minimum entry in the map
-- Precondition: @accMin@ should be the minimum key of the map.
replaceMin accMin b a = Map.insertWith (++) b [a] . Map.alter dropOne accMin

-- Remove one entry from the map
-- All of the entries in these lists have the same "size" (@b@),
-- so we just drop the first.
dropOne Nothing = error "nLargest': precondition violation"
dropOne (Just []) = error "nLargest': invariant violation"
dropOne (Just [_]) = Nothing
dropOne (Just (_:as)) = Just as
:: ([(TxIn, TxOut)], CoinSelection)
-> TxOut
-> Maybe ([(TxIn, TxOut)], CoinSelection)
atLeast (utxo0, selection) txout = go (getCoin $ coin txout, mempty) utxo0 where
go (target, ins) utxo
| target <= 0 = Just
( utxo
, selection <> CoinSelection
{ inputs = ins
, outputs = [txout]
, change = [Coin (abs target)]
| null utxo =
| otherwise =
(inp, out):utxo' = utxo
target' = target - getCoin (coin out)
go (target', (inp, out):ins) utxo'

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