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jonathanknowles committed May 16, 2019
1 parent ea30367 commit eebb050
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/bech32/bech32.cabal
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ library
, base
, bifunctors
, bytestring
, transformers
Expand Down
161 changes: 143 additions & 18 deletions lib/bech32/src/Codec/Binary/Bech32/Internal.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Expand All @@ -21,11 +22,15 @@ module Codec.Binary.Bech32.Internal
, decode
, checksumLength
, maxEncodedStringLength
, encodedStringMaxLength
, encodedStringMinLength
, DecodingError (..)
, CharPosition (..)

-- * Human-Readable Parts
, HumanReadablePart
, mkHumanReadablePart
, mkHumanReadablePart'
, humanReadablePartToBytes
, humanReadableCharsetMinBound
, humanReadableCharsetMaxBound
Expand All @@ -43,25 +48,33 @@ module Codec.Binary.Bech32.Internal
-- * Character Set Manipulation
, charset
, charsetMap
, splitAtLastOccurrence

-- * Error Location Detection
, gf_1024_exp
, gf_1024_log
, syndrome
, locateErrors
--, findErrors

) where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad
( guard )
( guard, when )
import Data.Array
( Array )
import Data.Bifunctor
( first )
import Data.Bits
( Bits, testBit, unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR, xor, (.&.), (.|.) )
import Data.Char
( ord )
import Data.ByteString
( ByteString )
import Data.Maybe
( isJust )
import Data.Char
( toLower, toUpper )
import Data.Foldable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,49 +106,81 @@ mkHumanReadablePart hrp = do
c >= humanReadableCharsetMinBound &&
c <= humanReadableCharsetMaxBound

:: ByteString -> Either HumanReadablePartError HumanReadablePart
mkHumanReadablePart' hrp
| BS.length hrp < humanReadablePartMinLength =
Left HumanReadablePartTooShort
| BS.length hrp > humanReadablePartMaxLength =
Left HumanReadablePartTooLong
| BS.length invalidPortion > 0 =
Left $ HumanReadablePartContainsInvalidChar $ CharPosition $
BS.length validPortion
| otherwise =
Right $ HumanReadablePart hrp
(validPortion, invalidPortion) = BS.break (not . valid) hrp
valid c =
c >= humanReadableCharsetMinBound &&
c <= humanReadableCharsetMaxBound

data HumanReadablePartError
= HumanReadablePartTooShort
| HumanReadablePartTooLong
| HumanReadablePartContainsInvalidChar CharPosition
deriving (Eq, Show)

humanReadableCharsetMinBound :: Word8
humanReadableCharsetMinBound = 33

humanReadableCharsetMaxBound :: Word8
humanReadableCharsetMaxBound = 126

humanReadablePartMinLength :: Int
humanReadablePartMinLength = 1

humanReadablePartMaxLength :: Int
humanReadablePartMaxLength = 83

humanReadablePartToBytes :: HumanReadablePart -> ByteString
humanReadablePartToBytes (HumanReadablePart bytes) = bytes

Encoding & Decoding

encode :: HumanReadablePart -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
encode :: HumanReadablePart -> ByteString -> Either EncodingError ByteString
encode hrp@(HumanReadablePart hrpBytes) payload = do
let payload5 = toBase32 (BS.unpack payload)
let payload' = payload5 ++ bech32CreateChecksum hrp payload5
let rest = map (charset Arr.!) payload'
let output = toLower hrpBytes <> B8.pack "1" <> B8.pack rest
guard (BS.length output <= maxEncodedStringLength)
guardE (BS.length output <= encodedStringMaxLength) EncodedStringTooLong
return output

decode :: ByteString -> Maybe (HumanReadablePart, ByteString)
decode bech32 = do
guard $ BS.length bech32 <= maxEncodedStringLength
guard $ toUpper bech32 == bech32 || toLower bech32 == bech32
let (hrp, dat) = B8.breakEnd (== '1') $ toLower bech32
guard $ BS.length dat >= checksumLength
hrp' <- B8.stripSuffix (B8.pack "1") hrp >>= mkHumanReadablePart
dat' <- mapM charsetMap $ B8.unpack dat
guard $ bech32VerifyChecksum hrp' dat'
result <- toBase256 (take (BS.length dat - checksumLength) dat')
return (hrp', BS.pack result)
data EncodingError = EncodedStringTooLong
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The length of the checksum portion of an encoded string, in bytes.
checksumLength :: Int
checksumLength = 6

-- | The length of the separator portion of an encoded string, in bytes.
separatorLength :: Int
separatorLength = 1

-- | The maximum length of an encoded string, in bytes. This length includes the
-- human-readable part, the separator character, the encoded data portion,
-- and the checksum.
maxEncodedStringLength :: Int
maxEncodedStringLength = 90
encodedStringMaxLength :: Int
encodedStringMaxLength = 90

-- | The minimum length of an encoded string, in bytes. This length includes the
-- human-readable part, the separator character, the encoded data portion,
-- and the checksum.
encodedStringMinLength :: Int
encodedStringMinLength =
humanReadablePartMinLength + separatorLength + checksumLength

Character Set Manipulation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,7 +484,6 @@ syndrome residue = low
low = residue .&. 0x1f

locateErrors :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
locateErrors residue len
| residue == 0 = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,3 +533,84 @@ locateErrors residue len
s2_s1p1 = s2 `xor`
(if s1 == 0 then 0 else gf_1024_exp Arr.! ((l_s1 + p1) `mod` 1023))

splitAtLastOccurrence :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
splitAtLastOccurrence w s =
(\i -> (BS.take i s, BS.drop (i + 1) s)) <$> BS.elemIndexEnd w s

guardE :: Bool -> e -> Either e ()
guardE b e = if b then Right () else Left e

eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x

maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
maybeToEither _ (Just b) = Right b
maybeToEither a Nothing = Left a

separatorChar :: Word8
separatorChar = fromIntegral $ ord '1'

decode :: ByteString -> Either DecodingError (HumanReadablePart, ByteString)
decode bech32 = do
(hrpUnparsed , dcpUnparsed) <-
maybeToEither StringToDecodeMissingSeparatorChar $
splitAtLastOccurrence separatorChar $ toLower bech32
hrp <- first hrpError $ mkHumanReadablePart' hrpUnparsed
dcp <- first
(\(CharPosition p) -> StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChar $
CharPosition $ p + BS.length hrpUnparsed + separatorLength)
(parseDataPart $ B8.unpack dcpUnparsed)
guardE (BS.length bech32 <= encodedStringMaxLength)
guardE (BS.length bech32 >= encodedStringMinLength)
guardE ( toUpper bech32 == bech32 || toLower bech32 == bech32)
guardE (length dcp >= checksumLength)
guardE (bech32VerifyChecksum hrp dcp)
dp <- maybeToEither StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChars $
toBase256 (take (length dcp - checksumLength) dcp)
return (hrp, BS.pack dp)
parseDataPart :: String -> Either CharPosition [Word5]
parseDataPart dpUnparsed =
case mapM charsetMap dpUnparsed of
Just dp -> pure dp
Nothing ->
Left $ CharPosition $ length $
takeWhile isJust (charsetMap <$> dpUnparsed)
hrpError = \case
HumanReadablePartTooLong ->
StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChar $ CharPosition
HumanReadablePartTooShort ->
StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChar $ CharPosition $
humanReadablePartMinLength - 1
HumanReadablePartContainsInvalidChar p ->
StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChar p

newtype CharPosition = CharPosition Int
deriving (Eq, Show)

data DecodingError
= StringToDecodeTooLong
| StringToDecodeTooShort
| StringToDecodeHasMixedCase
| StringToDecodeMissingSeparatorChar
| StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChar CharPosition
| StringToDecodeContainsInvalidChars
deriving (Eq, Show)

findErrors :: HumanReadablePart -> [Word5] -> [Int]
findErrors hrp dat
| residue == 0 = []
| otherwise = []
residue = bech32Polymod (bech32HRPExpand hrp ++ dat) `xor` 1
epos = locateErrors (fromIntegral residue) 90
25 changes: 16 additions & 9 deletions lib/bech32/test/Codec/Binary/Bech32Spec.hs
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import Data.ByteString
( ByteString )
import Data.Char
( toLower, toUpper )
import Data.Either
( isLeft )
import Data.Functor.Identity
( runIdentity )
import Data.Maybe
Expand All @@ -44,28 +46,32 @@ import qualified Data.Array as Arr
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8

eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x

spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Valid Checksums" $ forM_ validChecksums $ \checksum ->
it (B8.unpack checksum) $ case Bech32.decode checksum of
Nothing ->
Left _ ->
expectationFailure (show checksum)
Just (resultHRP, resultData) -> do
Right (resultHRP, resultData) -> do
-- test that a corrupted checksum fails decoding.
let (hrp, rest) = B8.breakEnd (== '1') checksum
let Just (first, rest') = BS.uncons rest
let checksumCorrupted =
(hrp `BS.snoc` (first `xor` 1)) `BS.append` rest'
(Bech32.decode checksumCorrupted) `shouldSatisfy` isNothing
(Bech32.decode checksumCorrupted) `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
-- test that re-encoding the decoded checksum results in
-- the same checksum.
let checksumEncoded = Bech32.encode resultHRP resultData
let expectedChecksum = Just $ toLower checksum
let expectedChecksum = Right $ toLower checksum
checksumEncoded `shouldBe` expectedChecksum

describe "Invalid Checksums" $ forM_ invalidChecksums $ \checksum ->
it (B8.unpack checksum) $
Bech32.decode checksum `shouldSatisfy` isNothing
Bech32.decode checksum `shouldSatisfy` isLeft

describe "More Encoding/Decoding Cases" $ do
it "length > maximum" $ do
Expand All @@ -74,19 +80,20 @@ spec = do
let (Just hrp) = mkHumanReadablePart (B8.pack hrpUnpacked)
let separatorLength = 1
let maxDataLength =
- Bech32.checksumLength - separatorLength - hrpLength
Bech32.encode hrp (BS.pack (replicate (maxDataLength + 1) 1))
`shouldSatisfy` isNothing
`shouldSatisfy` isLeft

it "hrp lowercased" $ do
let (Just hrp) = mkHumanReadablePart (B8.pack "HRP")
Bech32.encode hrp mempty
`shouldBe` Just (B8.pack "hrp1g9xj8m")
`shouldBe` Right (B8.pack "hrp1g9xj8m")

describe "Roundtrip (encode . decode)" $ do
it "Can perform roundtrip for valid data" $ property $ \(hrp, bytes) ->
(Bech32.encode hrp bytes >>= Bech32.decode) === Just (hrp, bytes)
(eitherToMaybe (Bech32.encode hrp bytes)
>>= eitherToMaybe . Bech32.decode) === Just (hrp, bytes)

describe "Roundtrip (toBase256 . toBase32)" $ do
it "Can perform roundtrip base conversion" $ property $ \ws ->
Expand Down

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