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CAVPP PBCore Tools


Generates PBCore xml files from data exported from CONTENTdm and derives technical metadata from any data files that are located in the same folder.


To Install

You have a few options. You most likely want to use the first one as it is the easiest.

Option 1: Install using Conda (recommended)

If you are setting up Conda/Anaconda for the first time, please look at the readme document here first

  1. In the launcher program, open a Python 3.4 environment or higher.
  2. Click on the install button for this script

Option 2: Install binary (Wheel)

  1. Download the latest version from the releases section of the project's Github page and copy the URL of the most current version.

  2. Open a terminal and type:

    sudo pip3 install #paste the URL here


The actual name of the file will change with each version.

If you have a problem that pip isn't installed, you can install it with the following command.

    sudo easy_install pip

Option 3: pip

  1. Download the latest version (or eariler) in the dist folder to your Download folder

  2. In a terminal window, type:

     cd Downloads
     sudo pip install CAVPP PBCore Tools-0.1.tar.gz
  3. Enter your computer password and the script will install along with all the dependencies.

Option 4: From source using Setuptools

  1. Open a terminal window and type:

     cd Downloads
     git clone
     cd PBCore
     sudo python install 
  2. Enter your computer password and the script will install along with all the dependencies.

To Use

Note: This currently will only work with CSV and not the tab-delimited txt files that are saved directly by CONTENTdm. In order to use this files you must convert them first. See below instructions on how to convert the this file into a properly-formatted csv files.

Anaconda Launcher:

Note: Only works with the Conda installation method.

  1. In a terminal window type:

  2. Click Environment and select the correct evironment.

  3. Click on the launch button next to the script name

To use with the command line:

In a terminal, simply type "makepbcore" followed by a csv files containing the data from a CONTENTdm export.


makepbcore /Volumes/CAPPS-01/Headlands/Headlands_caps_export.txt

To use the graphical user interface:

In a terminal windows, simple type the following command::

makepbcore -g

To convert ContentDM tab-delimited files to CSV files:

In a terminal window, type "tsv2csv" and the file name.


tsv2csv /Volumes/CAPPS-01/Headlands/Headlands_caps_export.txt


Author: Henry Borchers