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Fast & Secure User Authentication System


Built on the foundation of Vite.js, React.js, and styled with Tailwind.css, this project offers a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly interface for both sign-in and sign-up processes. The backend is powered by Node.js and Express, and integrates middleware for added security, utilizing MongoDB Atlas with Mongoose for efficient data storage and management. The implementation showcases advanced user authentication mechanisms, error handling, rate limiting, and CORS setup, offering a highly scalable and robust system. The system allows users to seamlessly create accounts, delete them, or change their passwords, ensuring a comprehensive and intuitive user experience.


Dynamic Form Loading: Implements lazy loading to enhance performance during form rendering. User Account Creation: Enables users to sign up using their email, phone number, and a secure password. Password Management: Provides mechanisms for users to change their passwords seamlessly. Account Deletion: Users can permanently delete their accounts, ensuring data privacy and compliance. Dynamic Form Loading: Implements lazy loading to enhance performance during form rendering. Tailored Input Experience: A dedicated phone number input component ensures consistent and structured data collection. Password Strength Indicator: Provides real-time feedback on password strength, guiding users to set secure passwords. Data Validation: Utilizes the power of Yup for comprehensive and custom validation on both client and server sides. Regex Action Utility: An extra layer of password validation ensuring complexity and security. Rate Limiting: Ensures protection against brute force attacks or spammed requests. Advanced User Authentication: Features JWT for token generation and management, bcrypt for password hashing and validation, and custom error handling for seamless user experience. Structured Middleware: Implements middleware functions for error handling and authentication checks.


UI/UX Design Responsive Development Data Validation Security & Authentication Backend API Development Error Handling Middleware Development

Tech Skills:

Vite.js React.js Tailwind.css Node.js Express.js Middleware Integration MongoDB Atlas Mongoose ORM Yup Validation Lazy Loading Regex Validation ARIA Accessibility Standards Formik Form Management RESTful API Architecture JavaScript (ES6+) JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Bcrypt Hashing dotenv (Environment Variable Management) CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Express Rate Limiting Morgan (HTTP Request Logger) Cookie-parser

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