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Demo for automation study:

This repository contains automated tests for the Swag Labs website using Playwright and Cucumber.js.

Project Overview

The project demonstrates how to use Playwright with Cucumber.js for end-to-end testing. It includes basic tests such as navigating to the Swag Labs page, logging in with valid and invalid credentials, and verifying the page title.


  • Navigate to Swag Labs Page: Test to ensure the title contains "Swag Labs".
  • Login with Valid Credentials: Verify successful login and redirection to the inventory page.
  • Login with Invalid Credentials: Check for error message display when login credentials are incorrect.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Playwright-cucumber-swaglabs
  2. Install dependencies:

npm install

Project Structure

saucePLAY │ ├── features │ ├── swagLabs.feature # Feature file containing the test scenarios │ └── steps │ └── swagLabs.steps.js # Step definitions for the feature file │ ├── support │ ├── hooks.js # Hooks for setup and teardown │ └── world.js # Custom world configuration for Playwright │ ├── test-results # Directory for test results ├── tests # Additional test files │ ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file ├── cucumber.js # Cucumber configuration file ├── package.json # Node.js dependencies and scripts ├── package-lock.json # Locked versions of dependencies └── playwright.config.js # Playwright configuration file

Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following command: npm test

Writing Tests

Feature: Swag Labs Page

Scenario: Open Swag Labs Page Given I navigate to the Swag Labs page Then the title should contain "Swag Labs"

Scenario: Login with valid credentials Given I navigate to the Swag Labs page When I enter valid credentials Then I should be redirected to the inventory page

Scenario: Login with invalid credentials Given I navigate to the Swag Labs page When I enter invalid credentials Then I should see an error message



Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests to help improve the project.