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104 lines (84 loc) · 2.64 KB


Simple way to subscribe to push notifications from your dApp.

Possible use-cases include:

  • Get notified when DAO creates a new proposal or executes one
  • Receive updates when tokens are transfered to or from an address
  • When someone mints and NFT
  • Engage with users in your game
  • Or just simply when a transaction has finished.

Uses web-native push notifications ( to display notifications in your browser (desktop or mobile).


Integration with your dApp

Work in progress. Please reach out if you want to implement in your dApp!

yarn add @webpush.eth/react

1. Create Service Worker script

// public/sw.js

// Listen for incoming push events
self.addEventListener("push", function (e) {
  const { event, payload } = ? : {};
  // Select template
  const { title, body } = templates({ event, payload });
  // Show notification
  e.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(title, { body }));

// Describe templates
const templates = ({ event, payload }) => {
  const map = {
    Transfer: (p) =>
      `You have received ${p.amount._hex / 1e18} LINK from ${p.from}`,
  return map[event](payload) || { title: event, body: JSON.stringify(payload) };

2. Load worker in your app

// src/App.tsx
import { WebPushProvider } from "@webpush.eth/react";
function App() {
  return (
    <WebPushProvider worker="./sw.js">
      <SubscribeToPush />

3. Enable Push Notifications and subscribe to events

import { useRegisterPush, useSubscribe } from "@webpush.eth/react";

function SubscribeToPush() {
  const approve = useRegisterPush();
  const subscribe = useSubscribe();

  return (
      isLoading={approve.isLoading || subscribe.isLoading}
      onClick={async () => {
        // Trigger approval of push notifications
        approve.mutate().then(() =>
          // Subscribe to event
            // Contract address
            address: "0x...",
            // Contract event to subscribe to
            event: "Transfer",
            // Contract ABI (or fragment of it)
            abi: [
              "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount)",
            // Arguments for event
            args: [null, "0x..."],
      Subscribe to Push notifications

Current limitations